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Why fly the coop? With shortage of mates, some birds choose to help others raise offspring
Bacteria may help frogs attract mates
Chemical innovation by relatives of the ice cream bean explains tropical biodiversity
Using Thoreau, scientists measure the impact of climate change on wildflowers
As uniform as cloned soldiers, new spiders were named after the Stormtroopers in Star Wars
Sea otters' tool use leaves behind distinctive archaeological evidence
Hungry moose more tolerant of wolves' presence
Wolves lead, dogs follow -- And both cooperate with humans
Scientists crack genome of superfood seaweed, ito-mozuku
Climate change could devastate painted turtles
Desert plants provided by homeowners offer habitat for desert bird species
Study reviews the potential impacts of future heat waves on humans and wildlife
Could internet activity provide accurate in plant and animal conservation?
UK wild newt species free from flesh-eating fungus for now...
New species of frog sheds light on major biodiversity hotspot in southern India
Unprecedented number of warm-water species moved northward during marine heatwave
Ancient records prompt rethink of animal evolution timeline
How to take a census of Earth's biodiversity? One team of researchers has a plan
Mystery solved -- biologists in Dresden explain the genetic origins of the saffron crocus
The fiddlers influencing mangrove ecosystems
Researchers discover new nitrogen source in Arctic
Coral reef parks protecting only 40 percent of fish biomass potential
High-speed, 3D microscope captures stunning videos of fruit fly nerve cells in action
Biologists have studied enzymes that help wheat to fight fungi
Horseshoe crabs are relatives of spiders, scorpions
Pheromones and social status: Machos smell better
Scientists find mystery killer whales off Cape Horn, Chile
Star Wars and Asterix characters amongst 103 beetles new to science from Sulawesi, Indonesia
Human impacts erode behavioral diversity in chimpanzees
Scientists find worms that recently evolved the ability to regrow a complete head