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Colder temperatures foster greater microbial diversity on amphibian skin
Are no-fun fungi keeping fertilizer from plants?
How light from street lamps and trees influence the activity of urban bats
Deep time tracking devices: Fossil barnacles reveal prehistoric whale migrations
Plant seed research provides basis for sustainable alternatives to chemical fertilizers
Fossil barnacles, the original GPS, help track ancient whale migrations
'Scuba-diving' lizard can stay underwater for 16 minutes
Study finds people who feed birds impact conservation
Sometimes it's not good to be green
Benefits of AI & Blockchain Technology Together
The most aggressive spider societies are not always the ones that flourish
A key player in the maturation of sexual organs
The struggle for life in the Dead Sea sediments: Necrophagy as a survival mechanism
House hunting for hellbenders
A petrifying virus key to evolution
Tall ice-cliffs may trigger big calving events -- and fast sea-level rise
Scientists argue for more comprehensive studies of Cascade volcanoes
Bacteria may travel thousands of miles through the air globally
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Will AMD beat NVIDIA with its upcoming NAVI architecture?
Salamanders chew with their palate
A social bacterium with versatile habits
A first glimpse deep beneath an ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridge
Two-step path to shrinking worker bee gonads
Pathogenic, drug-resistant bacteria found in wastewater treatment plants
Elevation shapes species survival in changing habitats
World's smallest bears' facial expressions throw doubt on human superiority
Half-a-billion-year-old fossil reveals the origins of comb jellies
Getting help with the kids slows down aging in female birds
Ancient birds out of the egg running