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Bully Victims at Higher Risk of Future Unemployment, Poor Social Relationships and Mental Disorders
Handaxe Design Traditions Reveal Cultural Complexity among Neanderthals
Copper Associated with Alzheimer's Disease
Over 700 Seals Spotted at Thames Estuary
Small Damselfish Fools Predators by Developing "Eyespots" on Tail
Drinking Four Cups of Tea or Coffee Protects Liver: Study
Gene Associated with Aging Linked to Common Type of Blood Cancer
Study looks into Radiology's Role in Saving Bombing Victims
Chemicals in Food Packaging Increase Risk of Diabetes, Obesity in Children
Researchers Identify Genetic Adaptation for High Altitudes
40 Pythons Recovered from a Motel in Canada
Study Shows how Female Trouts and Salmons Find the Right Sperm
Too Much Budweiser Could Lead One to the ER
Some Autistic Children Better at Math due to Altered Brain Organization
Females Prefer Males that can Multitask
Hundreds of Panther Sightings Reported in Florida
Climate Change Making Apples Sweeter, Softer
Obesity Kills More Americans than Previously Estimated, Study Says
Drinking Over 4 Cups of Coffee per Day Linked with Early Death
Compounds in Celery, Artichokes Kill Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Kids Drinking More than 4 Servings of Soda a Day More Aggressive: Study
Intergalactic Collision Imaged Using X-ray Telescope
Physical Abuse During Childhood Raises Obesity Risk in Women
Brain Scans Can Reveal Dyslexia in Preschool Children
Asthma, Allergy in Children Linked with ADHD Risk
Two Species of Bone-Eating Worms Found in Antarctica
Children Born to Obese Mothers are 35 percent More Likely to Die Early
Tiny Pygmy Marmoset Born in Houston Zoo Put on Exhibit
Inability to Recognize Famous People Could be Associated with Early Dementia
Raw Garlic Lowers Lung Cancer Risk