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Climate Change can Dramatically Alter Inter-Species Interaction
Number of Sea Otters Rises in California
Rhesus Monkeys Carrying Herpes B Virus in Florida
CPAP Improves Sleep and Looks in People with Sleep Apnea
Facebook Profiles Reflect Self-Esteem, Study
Dental Cavities Associated with Lower Risk of Head and Neck Cancer
Insect Uses Mechanical Gears to Jump, Cambridge Researchers Find [Video]
Researchers Identify Gene Responsible for Being Right or Left Handed
Children Living Near Nuclear Power Plants have no Additional Risk of Cancers, Study Finds
Researchers Solve 'Darwin's Dilemma' by Estimating Rate of Evolution during the 'Cambrian Explosion'
Sugary Drinks Increase Risk of Gout by Altering Function of a Genetic Variant
Cheers! Alcohol doesn't Cause Depression, Study Finds
Recorded Tiger Growls Enough to Chase Away Herds of Elephants [Videos]
Male Orangutans Can Make Travel Plans, Study Finds
Pot Belly, Low Sexual Desire in Middle-aged Men Linked with Lower Estrogen Levels
FDA Approves Botox for Crow's Feet Treatment
Nearly Half of All US Births Paid for With Medicaid
Obesity Linked with Body's Production of Fructose
Antisocial Texting Among Children Linked with Bad Behavior
Five Percent of Children and Teens of US are 'Severely Obese'
US Ranked 17th in the latest World Happiness Report by UN
One in Four Men in Asia Admit Rape
Dingoes Not Entirely Responsible for Extinction of Predators in Australia
Men with Smaller Testes are Better Fathers, Study Finds
Ambitious Goals for Water Purification System the Size of a Ketchup Packet [VIDEO]
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Exercise Extends Life, Study Finds
Researchers Develop Microneedle Patch that Delivers Drugs Faster, More Efficiently
Mild Vitamin B12 Deficiency Linked with Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
Seaweed Found Off Florida Coast can Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer