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Sexual Frustration in Fruit Flies Linked to Stress, Early death
Five Latest Nature-Inspired Robots
A Tongue Piercing Gives Quadriplegics Greater Control Over Wheelchairs [Video]
Scientists Find Genetic Mutation that Ups Alcoholism Risk
NASA Plans to Grow Plants on Moon in 2015
Squirting Air bubbles from Glacial Fjords Could be Used to Monitor Ice Loss in Greenland
Salt in 'Fizzy' Painkillers Linked with Heart Attack, Strokes
High Fat Diet During Puberty can Raise Breast Cancer Risk
Fire Ant Rafts Could Help Design Self- Assembling Robot [Video]
Seahorse Use Their Heads to Stalk Prey [Video]
Reverse Shockwaves Behind Spectacular Glow of Tycho's Supernova Remnant
How Sexual Regret Affects Reproduction in Humans
Arctic Seafloor Releasing 17 Teragrams of Methane Every Year, Study Finds
FDA Eases Restrictions on Glaxo Diabetes Drug Avandia
Effectiveness of Antibiotics Boosted by Newly Created Compounds
Steroid Injections During Pregnancy Can Up ADHD Risk
Asparagine found in Meat and Dairy Essential for Brain Development
Understanding Owl's Noiseless Flight Could Help Design Near-Silent Aircrafts, Researchers Say
Researchers Create Robot that 'Flies' Like a Jellyfish
Casual Sex Associated with Depression; Study
Study Explores Fear of Pain
Sugary Drinks Increase Endometrial Cancer Risk in Post Menopausal Women
Obesity Linked with Low Ability to Detect Sweet, Bitter Foods
Aspirin Before Bedtime Lowers Heart Attack Risk
Insect Sisters Make for Effective Colonies
Pest Invasions Could Rise in Western Europe
Infants Develop Allergies Based on When Solid Food is Introduced
Volcanic Eruption Creates New Island in Japan [Video]
Coffee Helps the Heart by Improving Blood Circulation
People who Eat Nuts Every Day Live Longer, Healthier; Study