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November 2013 Hottest Month on Record Since 1880, NOAA
Moderate Alcohol Intake Good for Immune System
RS Puppis Looks like a Brilliant Cosmic Wreath
Decoding America's Virgin Births
1.42 Million-Year-Old Bone Reveals Human Hand Evolution
Travelling Wave helps Emperor Penguins Stay Warm, Researchers Find [video]
Cats Were First Domesticated in China
Neanderthals Buried their Dead, Researchers Say
Australian Researchers Use Stem Cells to Develop a 'Mini' Kidney
Gollum and other Evildoers in 'The Hobbit' have Lower Levels of Vitamin D, Researchers Say
Marijuana Use Linked to Poor Memory
New Device Could Lessen Migraine-Related Headache
Researchers Link Obesity with Kidney Problems
Another Monkey Launched into Space: Iran Claims
Fast Radio Bursts Come from Within the Milky Way, Astronomers Say
Step Away from that Martini, James Bond
DNA Study Shows Comb Jellies were First Animals
Anastrozole Halves Breast Cancer Risk in Older Women: Study
DNA has Secret Code for Gene Control, Researchers Say
Chimpanzee Lawsuits Rejected in New York Court
Omega-3 Fatty Acids can Cross Blood-Brain Barrier: Study
Long-term Use of Heartburn Medication Linked to Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Humans Settled in Cyprus during Late Stone Age, Archaeologists Say
Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Ups Stillbirth Risk
Vaginally Administered Viagra can Reduce Menstrual Pain in Women: Study
Study on Young Galaxy 'IZw 18' Shows Dust was Rare in Early Universe
Type E Botulism Kills Hundreds of Birds in Lake Ontario
Mice Model Shows what Happens to Brain After Concussion [Video]
The New Space Race: Moon Express Unveils Design for MX-1 Commercial Lunar Lander
Fig Wasp that Predates the Fig Baffles Scientists