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Miguel Brown
Latest Articles
State of Emergency Declared: Oak Fire in California Remains Uncontainable
Children from the Ice Age Splashed Through Giant ‘Sloth Puddles’ 11,000 Years Ago
Hawaii’s Ancient Lava Caves are Teeming with an Assortment of Mysterious Life Forms
Climate Change: Australia’s Environment Faces a Deteriorating State
Scientists Pinpoint Time When Our Earliest Ancestors Became Warm-Blooded
30 Million-Year-Old Flower Preserved with a Wasp in Amber Hides a Gruesome Secret
Oldest Galaxy Ever Seen? The James Webb Space Telescope Finds Galaxy from 13.5 Billion Years Ago
Tetrapods: The First Animals Who Left the Water to Live on Land but Turned Back
The World’s Oldest Male Giant Panda Dies at 35 in Hong Kong’s Ocean Park
5 Ancient Mummies and A Glimpse into Their Lost World
England Delays Beavers Legal Protection Law, Says It Would Come "In Due Course”
UK Zoos Give Icy Treats to Keep Animals Cool Amidst Rising Temperatures
Ancient Fossil from Australia Revealed to be the Only Vulture Ever Discovered in Country
Beneath the Andes Mountains: Earth's Crust ‘Dripping’ Into the Planet's Interior
Finding Life on Mars: Scientists to Remodel Plans to Use Helicopters Instead of Rovers
Collapse of the Ancient Maya Blamed on Drought and Shifts in Climate
New Study Reveals Secret Tool to Elephant Trunk's Versatility
Deep Sea Corals: Why do Some of Them Glow in the Dark?
UK Faces Hottest Day on Record: Wildfires Broke Out and Trains Canceled
Rare Deep-Sea Brine Pools in the Red Sea Stun Creatures to Death
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Three Wild Bisons Set Free to Roam Around Britain for the First Time in Thousands of Years
Goosebumps! What are They and Why do We get Them?
More than 30 Sea Turtles Found Injured or Dead with Stab Wounds on a Remote Island in Japan
Ancient 1.4 Million-Year-Old Jawbone from Spain may be the Oldest Known Ancient Human
Firefighters Struggle to Contain Wildfires Due to Heatwave Across Southwest Europe
Two People Injured After a Shark Attack off Long Island
All Missing People During Virginia Flood Finally Accounted For
Indian Villagers Tie Up Massive 13-Foot Crocodile After Allegedly Swallowing a Boy
82-Year-Old Woman in India Mauled to Death by Her Pitbull