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Miguel Brown
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Volcano in Tonga Spews Water Vapor Worth 58,000 Olympic-Size Swimming Pools Into the Earth’s Atmosphere
Decapitated Head of Ancient Egyptian Mummy Found in an Attic in England
Monkeypox Virus Can Live on Refrigerated Food and in Water for Weeks
New Analysis of Penguin Fossil Reveals How They Abandoned Flight for Swimming
'Wiggling' Creature Washes Up on Australian Beach; Looks Like A Scene From Sci-fi Series 'Stranger Things'
Unusual Orange Lobster Saved from Becoming Dinner, Experts Say It Was ‘One in 30 million Find’
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Potentially Deadly Bacterium Detected in U.S. Soil and Water Samples
Evidence Suggests a New Set of Chemical Reactions that Could Explain Life on Earth
New Analysis Suggests that Millions of People Still Don’t have Smell or Taste After Covid-19
Cat Hormones Offer Clue on Why These Felines Tolerate Cohabitation
Angry Dolphins! Beachgoers in Japan Warned to Stay Away from Biting Dolphins
US Cities could Possibly have a Similar Climate with the Middle East by 2100
‘Mortar Wreck’: England’s Oldest-Ever Preserved Medieval Shipwreck is Now Getting Star Treatment
New Study Found Evidence of Stingrays Making Sounds
Smallmouth Bass Are Stars in Many Fishing Cultures, But Here's Why They Are Very Dangerous in America
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Freya the Female Walrus Climbs into Norwegian Boats
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Zebrafish: These Marvelous Creatures can Repair a Damaged Heart! Here’s How
Fossil of Creature with ‘Bizarre’ Tentacles May be the World’s Oldest Known Predator
A ‘Diablo Canyon’ Meteorite Hit the Earth 50,000 Years Ago with a Never-Seen-Before Diamond Crystal
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Black Bear Superpower: How do These Bears Hibernate for Months and Still Remain Fit and Healthy?
A Closer Look at Monkeypox: What is This Pathogen and How is it Transmitted?