Scientists have detected three new underground water reservoirs or lakes beneath the south pole of Mars. This is added to the first one discovered two years ago.
Four Underground Water Reservoirs
Now, a total of four of these underground water reservoirs could be below the Martian surface.
The researchers' new findings are published in the journal Nature Astronomy. The study is suggesting that there are more multiple liquid deposits on Mars than has been previously thought.
The Water's Properties
The water in the lakes appears to be unsuitable for drinking. The scientists speculate that it can only maintain its liquid form in the freezing Martian landscape because it may be salty, as salts dramatically lower water's freezing point.
Salt deposits, including magnesium, calcium, and sodium, can be found all over the Red Planet, and past experiments show that they can be present in Mars' subpolar areas. Scientists speculate that brine may have stabilized the lakes in their liquid form for billions of years.
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Implications for Martian Colonists
The water is still an important discovery, even if it is not drinkable. Despite the possibility that it can be desalinated, it first has to be accessed by intense drilling. Meanwhile, the surface ice is plentiful enough and is much more accessible.
The significance of the underground lakes is the possibility of them harboring Martian life. These microbial life forms may have evolved to be resistant to the sub-glacial salty lakes' extreme conditions and may be present there.
Roma Tre University physicist and study co-author Elena Pettinelli say that further studies may require a rover platform or lander after access to the lakes has been made.
An alternative would be to use seismic measurements to determine the lakes' geometry and depth and determine which parts might be suitable for habitation. Nonetheless, the seismic measurements of these underground water reservoirs on Mars will not provide any definitive answers about life's presence on the Red Planet.
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