marine species
Attempting Suicide? Why Whales Strand Themselves to Death
Whales have "strong social cohesion," meaning they do not leave others of their kind even if it means death.
Latest Research Articles
Invisible Shrimp: Exercise Disrupts Transparent Camouflage
Snapping Shrimp: Noisy Habits Indicate Reef Health, Study Shows
During Arctic Winters, Active Marine Creatures Migrate By Moonlight
Jurassic 10-Armed Squids Were Swift Swimmers, Researchers Say
Cloudy Waters Shade Corals From Excess Sunlight, Helping Them Survive Climate Change
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Sea Lions Exposed To Toxic Algae At Risk Of Brain Damage and Memory Loss, Study Shows
Unique Wing-Like Fins Of Skates and Rays Evolved From Repurposed Genes, Researchers Say
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