climate change
Lawsuit Warns Politicians That Climate Change Can Cost Them
Insurance companies are suing Chicago-area municipal governments claiming that warning signs of climate change should have been enough to prompt better preparation for a 2013 deluge that led to significant flooding and damages.
Latest Research Articles
Climate Change: A 'Fleeting' Fad Among the Public
Gov Brown Calls California "Epicenter of Climate Change"
Forest Fire Ash Contributes to Greenland's Melt
National Landmarks Defenseless against Climate Change
Hotter Climate Could Lead to Female-Dominated Sea Turtle Population
Report: Antarctic Ice Losses Have Doubled
Greenland Ice Melt Could Raise Sea Higher Than Expected
S&P: Vulnerability to Climate Change Will Impact a Nation's Credit
Powerful Hurricanes Most Dangerous Closer to Poles
Comedian John Oliver and Bill Nye Team Up to Defend Climate Change (VIDEO)
Algenol's Algae-Based Biofuel: The Next Generation in Renewable Energy (VIDEOS)
New Species of Endangered Frogs Discovered