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Aspirin, Ibuprofen can Lower Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk in Some Women
Poor Sleep can Increase Suicide Risk in Old People
Autism Rates Aren't Increasing: Researchers
Red Lionfish are Ultimate Hunters: Study
Egyptian Mummification Began 1500 years Earlier than Current Estimates
1.6 Million Cardiovascular-Related Deaths Linked to High Sodium in Diet
Lucid Dreamers have Above-Average Problem Solving Abilities
Tough Antarctic Fly has its Genome Mapped
40 Percent of Americans will Develop Diabetes: Study
Experimental Drug can Reduce Muscle Damage, Bleeding Risk in Heart Attack Survivors
Maryam Mirzakhani becomes the First Woman to Win Fields Medal
Excess Exercise can Be Bad for the Heart
Potential Biomarker for PTSD Found
Nanoparticles in Food can Harm Liver
Lunar Meteorites Help Explain Moon's Crust Formation
PMS Evolved to Increase Reproductive Chances in Women
Ebola Outbreak Claims 1013 Lives in West Africa: WHO
Scientists Create 3D Brain-Like Tissue
Lupus Patients have High Rates of Readmission, Study
Internet-Based Cognitive Therapy can Help People Cope with Anxiety
Frequent Marijuana Use can Lower IQ, Cause Memory Problems in Teens
Common Antimicrobial Chemicals pose Health Risks for Mothers, Babies
Icequakes in Antarctica Linked to 2010 Chile Earthquake
Scientists Create 'Tractor Beams' that Move Objects in Water
Depression, Cognitive Problems Linked with Brain Shrinkage in Old People
Study Finds a Link between Stress and Diabetes Type-2
Music Training Improves Memory, Reading Skills in Children
Astronomers Find 2.6 Million-Light-Year Long Hydrogen Gas Bridge
Natural Light at Office keeps Workers Healthy, Happy
Exposure to Lead Increases Obesity Risk in Mice