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Can a Hands-on Model Help Forest Stakeholders Fight Tree Disease?
A New Approach to Targeting Cancer Cells
Dangerous Pathogens Use This Sophisticated Machinery to Infect Hosts
Machine Learning Speeds Modeling of Experiments Aimed at Capturing Fusion Energy on Earth
Identifying the Molecular Structure of One of Alzheimer's Stickier Culprits
Wearable Cooling and Heating Patch Could Serve as Personal Thermostat and Save Energy
Scientists Capture First-ever Body's Safety Test for T Cells
Earliest Evidence of the Cooking and Eating of Starch
Meet the Tenrecs
Scientists Develop Technology to Capture Tumor Cells
Scientists Propose Rethinking 'Endangered Species' Definition to Save Slow-Breeding Giants
A Tale of Two Skeeters
Bedbugs Evolved More than 100 Million Years Ago -- and Walked the Earth with T. Rex
Blood Flow Command Center Discovered in the Brain
Dog DNA Find Could Aid Quest to Help Breeds Breathe More Easily
Organic Animal Farms Benefit Birds Nesting in Agricultural Environments
A New Iron-Based Superconductor Stabilized by Inter-Block Charger Transfer
Transfer of EU Powers Leads to Silent Erosion of UK Pesticide Regulation
Neanderthals and Modern Humans Diverged at Least 800,000 Years Ago
China's Chang'E 4 Mission Discovers New 'Secrets' From Far Side of the Moon
Hunting Responsible for Mammal Declines in Half of Intact Tropical Forests
Blood Biopsy: New Technique Enables Detailed Genetic Analysis of Cancer Cells
How to Effectively Take CBD Oil
Native Forest Plants Rebound When Invasive Shrubs are Removed
Where There's Waste There's Fertilizer
Amount of Carbon Stored in Forests Reduced as Climate Warms
Princeton Scientists Bioengineer a Cellular Speedometer
NASA Funds Aviation Research on a New Fuel Concept
Room for Thought: Brain Region that Watches for Walls Identified
Measuring Chromosome Imbalance Could Clarify Cancer Prognosis