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Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm More than Just Honey Bees
Eyeball Licking Linked with Rise of Pink Eye among Children in Japan
Sensor that Detects Melanoma via Odor Developed
Home Births Found Safer than Hospital Births for Some Low-Risk Women: Study
Restricting Fishing at Chesapeake Bay could Help Restore Oyster Population, Researchers Say
Men's Preference for Younger Women Reason behind Menopause
Study Explains How Mammals Regenerate Lost Fingertips
Sea Urchins Adapting to Increased Oceanic Acidification
Lego Toys Displaying More Anger Now than Before: Study
Dad's Stress Linked with Altered Brain Function in Children
Researchers Develop Material that Expands Under Pressure
Brief Walks after Meals Cut Diabetes Type-2 Risk in Older Adults
Mining in North America Contributed to Lead Pollution about 8,000 Years Back: Study
Moderate Sleep Apnea Linked with Sudden Cardiac Death
Fish Oil Supplements Keep Heart Healthy
Video Gamers Good at Processing Visual Information: Study
Obesity Later in Life can be Predicted in Infancy, Study Says
Study Reveals Most Dangerous Sea-Routes of the World
China Outsourcing Carbon Emissions within its Borders: Study
BPA Exposure in Children Tied with Dental Cavities
Just 5 Percent of People Using Public Restrooms Wash Hands Correctly: Study
CT Scans in Children can Raise Risk of Cancer: Study
Martian Meteorite Shows Presence of Boron that Helps Build RNA
Inhalation Therapy Delivers Drugs Directly to Lung Cancer Cells
Crop Models Predict World Food Production when Population Touches 9 Billion
Repeated Concussions in Children Associated with Longer Treatment Duration
Study Finds Paper Towels more Effective than Hand Dryers in Removing Bacteria
Duck Genome to Help Fight Bird Flu
Vegetable Oils are Good for Heart Health
Drought, Loss of Habitat behind Declining Native Fish Populations in US