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Enzymes From Cow Stomach Contain Useful Microorganisms That Can Recycle Plastic
Thunderstorms in Ontario Caused Intense Hail Storm, Damaging Crops
Warning Raised in Carribean as Tropical Storm Elsa Intensifies
5 Tips on How to Survive the Scorching Summer Heat
RSV: Another Viral Respiratory Outbreak is on the Rise in Parts of Southern US
"Giant Space Object Incoming" But, is it Really? (Debunking Alarmist News Headlines)
Lytton, the Hottest Place in Canada, Sees an Uprise in Wildfires Triggered by Heat Wave
Hybrid Animal? Lion With 'Leopard's Face' Allegedly Photographed in Safari
Ocean's Fish Population Might be Cut in Half if Water Temperature Continues to Rise
Experts Warn Lake Erie Might Have Another Toxic Algae Bloom this Summer
'Luckiest Guy in the World'- Diver Survived Brutal Shark Attack in San Francisco
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Oymakon, Russia, The "Coldest Inhabited Place on Earth" Is Experiencing Drastic Temperature Rise
From Twin Meteor Showers to the Thunder Moon: Meteorological Events to Look Forward to in July
California Couple Fined $18,000 After Destroying and Burying Highly Protected Joshua Trees
Giant Eruption of Volcano in Costa Rica Believed to be its 'Biggest Outburst in Years'
Dozens of Sudden Deaths in Vancouver Linked to Extreme Heat Dome
Eating Ethics: Eating Morally Doesn't Have to be Vegan
Tropical Storm Danny Makes a Landfall in the Southeastern Coasts of the US
Groundbreaking Study on Photosynthesis Aims to Help Improve Crop Production
Western Canada Breaks National Heat Records at 116 Degrees
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Scientists Are Baffled After Massive Antarctic Lake Has Suddenly Vanished Without Trace
Detroit Flood Stranded Dozens of Cars in the Road, Prompting Rescue of 50 Drivers
'Well to Hell': Ancient Pit Uncovered in the Middle of the Desert in Yemen
Storm Watch: Meteorologists Observing 2 Tropical Disturbances in Atlantic, Hurricane in Pacific
Study Shows How Volcanism Might Have Affected Earth's Worst Mass Extinctions
US Braces For 'Apocalyptic' Summer Due to Record-Breaking Drought and Heat Waves
Heavy Rains Incoming: Tropical Storn Enrique Formed Over the Eastern Pacific
Neptune One, A Hydrogen Balloon, Will Take You to Outer Space for $125,000