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'Lacks Facility for Storing Toxic Waste:' Experts Comment on Expensive Nuclear Plant in the UK
Are Cities Intended to Survive Climate Crisis Designed for Comfort or Performance?
Studies Performed on African Killifish Revealed How Immune System Ages
Iceland to Promote Whale Watching as Part of its Plan to End Commercial Whaling
Drought-Stricken American Southwest Finally Got Much Needed Rain
Rising Cases of Obese Pets Forced Owners to Put their Animals on a Diet
UN Considering to Put Great Barrier Reef in Danger Despite Australia's Claim
Solar Orbiter Aims to Know More About the Sun as It Swings By the Star
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Scientists Alarmed as Massive Conger Ice Shelf in Antarctica Collapse Due to Record-Breaking Heat
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Giant Asteroid as Big as Empire State Will Make Close Approach Near Earth this Week
Great Barrier Reef Fishes Are Losing Their Colors Due to Mass Bleaching
Recent Seismic Activities in Atlantic Ocean Feared to be a Developing Volcanic Eruption
Aftermath of Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Were Even Worst than Previously Thought
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Massive Dam to be Built in Africa Threatens to Wipe Out Mangrove Forests
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