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African Wild Dogs: Second Most Endangered Carnivore in Africa Conveyed to New Home in Malawi
Meteorologists: Temperature Could Rapidly Increase to 108 Degree in Dallas
Lifeless, Shriveled Frogs Are Mysteriously Showing up Across Eastern Australia
Polar Bears Are Known to Bludgeon Walruses to Death With Stone and Ice
At Least 4 Tornadoes Swept Across Wisconsin, Killing 1 in Crash
New Theory Suggests Iceland is the Exposed Tip of Sunken Continent Icelandia
Extreme Heat Could Possibly Prompt Power Outage and Shortage of Water
Why Do Scientists Plant Sunflowers Following Nuclear Disasters?
New Global Standard: IUCN Green Status Kicks off to Help Species Flourish
Scientists Unlock Mysteries of 15,000-Year-Old Pathogens Unearthed From Tibetan Glacier
5 Animals Recently Declared Extinct
At Least 85 Wildfires Consume 1.5m Acres Across US West Affected by Drought
Scientists: Flash Floods Will Occur More Often as Climate Crisis Worsens
Massive Sandstorm Causes Highway Pileup in Utah, Killing 7 People
Expert: 'Jaws' Movie to be Blamed for Unfairly Stigmatizing Sharks as 'Killers'
Extremely Toxic: Wildfire Smoke Spreading Across US Contains Dangerous Levels of Metals
Flat Earth: How Bizarre Would Life be if the Earth were Flat?
Typhoon In-fa Could Bring Potentially Catastrophic Impacts Along China's East Coast
Meteorologists Claim It's Likely Extreme Heat in Western US Will Last Until November
World's Slowest Animals: These Creatures Aren't in a Hurry
Man Spends 72 Hours Trapped With Deadly Snakes Just to Prove These Reptiles are Friendly
Arizona Prepares For Possible Flash Flooding, Dust Storm Amid Severe Drought
Highest Temperature of the Year: Mercury Hit 31.4C in Armagh City
Flash Flood: 200 Evacuated as Floodwaters Sweep Through Turkey's Black Sea Region
Researchers Witnessed Deadly War Between Chimps and Gorillas for the First Time
Whip Scorpion: This Arachnid That Sprays Acid Has Been Found in Texas!
Typhoon In-fa Struck Parts of Japan and Could Possibly Strengthen, Lashing Taiwan This Weekend
Summer Heat: Upcoming Extreme Heat Wave Will Deliver 100 Degrees to Dallas
Meteorologists Track Another Disturbance Over the Atlantic off Florida, Georgia Coasts
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