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Urban Heat Dilemma: Why Birds Abandon Cities and How To Attract Them Back
Coastal Erosion Accelerates as Tidal Range Expands, New Research Shows
Tortoise Shells: A New Tool To Study Nuclear Contamination in Nature
Saving the Andean Birds: A Call for Action To Prevent Climate-Driven Extinctions
Saya de Malha: A Hidden Treasure of Whales and Dolphins in the Indian Ocean
Whale Sharks Depend on Their Skin Microbes for Health and Conservation
Common Wasp: A Misunderstood and Understudied Insect That Citizen Scientists Helped to Uncover in UK
Lab Rats and Mice in Science: More Than 1 Million Used Annually for Experiments, But Why?
Weathering Rocks for a Better Planet: How They Can Mitigate Climate Change and Restore Soil Health
Wild Tobacco Plants Use Jasmonate and Nicotine to Fight Off Insect Attacks: New Study Reveals the Genetic Basis of This Strategy
Beavers Have Complex Social Behavior and Ecology: New Study Shows How They Form and Sustain Their Communities
Chikungunya Virus’s ‘Invisibility Shield’: A Novel Mechanism of Cell-To-Cell Spread
Sniffing Out the Danger of Algae Blooms: A Novel Technique Using Volatile Organic Compounds
Climate Change May Increase the Risk of Heat-Related Illnesses at the Grand Canyon
Moths: More Than Just Nighttime Visitors to Bramble Flowers
Venetoraptor Gassenae: New Species of Reptile Was Pterosaur Ancestor
Microplastic Pollution in the Great Lakes: A Serious Threat to Wildlife and Human Health
Climate Change Threatens Property Values in Forested Regions of US
Uroplatus Garamaso: New Leaf-Tailed Gecko With Amazing Camouflage Skills From Madagascar
Solitary Bees Face a Double Challenge From Heat Waves and Pathogens
Agroforestry Systems in Tropical Cash Tree Plantations: A Study on Soil Fungal Communities and Carbon and Nitrogen Pools
Blackbirds Infected With a Blood Parasite Rest Earlier Than Healthy Ones
Hawaii’s Deep-Sea Corals: A New Record for Coral Calcification
Satellite Data and Machine Learning Can Measure the Role of Storms in the Climate System
Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean: More Mobile, Fragmented, and Unpredictable Than Ever
The Plight of Lake Titicaca: The World’s Highest Lake Faces Water Scarcity Due to Climate Change
Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya: The Triple Threat of Co-Infections by Mosquito-Borne Viruses
Insect Migrations Provide Food for Bats in the Pyrenees
Glowing Zebrafish: A Novel Tool for Assessing Pesticide Toxicity
Mount Etna Volcano Eruption Disrupts Flights Again, Covering Nearby Sicily Towns with Ash