331-360 (out of 516)
Catherine Arnold
Latest Articles
Pluto and Nitrogen: Why So Much Gas?
New Planet and Planet Formation: Young Gassy Giant Has Methane and Water
Smart Bird and Face ID: Jackdaws Can Recognize Faces
Marine Worm and Carbon-Rich Water: Raising Young Differently
[VIDEO] Elephant Seal and Breeding Call: Voice Recognition Saves Lives?
Prehistoric and Extinction: Do Dogs Recall Prey Competition?
New Species: An Ecuadoran Snail, Found in Museum
Climate Change and Drought: Butterfly Loss May Be Widespread By 2050
Wind Erosion and Arctic Tundra: Carbon Effects
Cosmic Winds and Stars: The Process Behind Why Stars Aren't Born
Kepler 453b and New Planet: 10th Planet Found by Kepler Mission
Melting Glaciers and Phytoplankton Health: Nutrient Run-Off Feeds Antarctic Marine Life
Wildfires and Climate Change: Southerly Plants Pushed North
Animal View and New Visual Software: How Flowers Look to Pollinators, and Other Useful Views
Geology of Earth's Seabed: Interactive Digital Map Shows Depth of Basins
Snakes and Crocodiles: One is a Species Super-Star, And Why
Predator vs Prey: Eye Pupil Shapes Tell The Story [VIDEO]
Ancient Lakebed and Mars: A Long-Lived Lake Supported Life?
Sandstone Arches and National Parks: Testing for Collapse Likelihood
Birdsong and Neurological Conditions: Brain-Path Learnings
Agricultural Fires and Drought: Human-Set Fires in Africa Altering Rain
Venomous Brazilian Frogs Discovered; Skin Secretions 'More Venomous Than Deadly Pit Vipers'
Horses or Apes: Which Has More Facial Expressions?
Earthquake and Medieval City: Modern City Connection?
New Anglerfish: Deep in Gulf of Mexico, Pale Fish Angles for Prey
New Archaeology and Cave Writing: 2000-Year-Old Message in Jerusalem
Endangered Species and Smuggling: Corporate and Media Linking with Government To Slow Trafficking
First Peoples Buffalo Jump and Red Rocks Park: New National Designation
$39K Science-Book Prize Short List Announced
Earthquake and Fault Zones: How Can Some Rocks Stay Precariously Balanced?