Health & Medicine
  • Is Natural Bodybuilding Becoming Extinct?

    Is Natural Bodybuilding Becoming Extinct?

    Most people will refrain from breaking your bubble, but natural bodybuilding is, in all honesty, not even a thing anymore. Acquiring one of those super strong Olympic bodies while abstaining from performance-enhancing drugs is...well, not practical. Most natural bodybuilders will, for obvious reasons, claim that they are not using any supplements, but here is a question: Can consuming 6 grams of Creatine-Monohydrate or L-Glutamine in a single go be called natural? Would you say using Taraxatone to increase muscular definition falls under the realm of natural Bodybuilding? Well, of course, the obvious answer would be NO – albeit a little reluctant since the industry has had us all draped in a pretty deceptive veil.
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