Animals are recognized by their mesmerizing colors, from vibrant green to red and blue. Some animals, such as colorful butterflies and captivating lizards, are unique in their wild appearances.
Colors are often used to evade possible predators. Some animals have also managed to adapt to their environments. Their vibrant appearances are often taken advantage of as defensive and survival strategies.
Here are the 10 unique animals with blue colors in the wildlife.
1. Peacock
In the animal kingdom, peacocks are considered among the most mesmerizing animals because of their looks. According to a report, these species have a blue appearance, with pigments and structural coloring.
In addition, bright colors are important for male peacocks to attract entire female partners.
2. Blue Jay
In addition to the mentioned animals, the blue jay is one of the unique blue animals. The color pigments will make them look mesmerizing from afar due to their blue feathers.
The animal kingdom consists of vibrant species, showing the wonder and uniqueness of nature worldwide.
3. Blue Iguana
Next is the blue iguana, the largest lizard species in the Caribbean. Reports explained that the animal's blue hue is due to a pigment known as guanine.
4. Carpathian Blue Slug
Next on the list is the Carpathian blue slug. This species is known for its dark blue color. However, they look yellow-brown when they are only young.
5. Blue Morpho
Blue Morphos are known for their colorful blue wings. They are mostly found in the rainforest areas in South and Central America. When they fly, these species unleash a dazzling blue color, especially when light waves point at them.
6. Blue Poison Dart Frog
Central and South American forests and jungles are considered homes to various frogs, including the blue poison dart frog. With the animal's blue appearance, it poses as a sign to warn predators due to its potential poison.
7. Blue Glaucus
Blue glaucus is a fascinating animal. This species is usually found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Its color helps the animal escape or evade potential predators.
8. Spix Macaw
The Spix Macaw lives in rich forests and areas in northern Brazil. This gorgeous animal is popular for a shade of bluish-grey.
9. Mandarin Dragonet
The Mandarin dragonets are recognized by their vivid appearance. These species are seen in the Pacific Ocean. Reports explain that the cellular pigment allows them to have such blue patterns.
10. Sinai Agai
The desert is also a significant habitat for different lizard species found in the Middle East. One unique lizard is the Sinai agama. According to a report, the said animal takes advantage of its color to attract females.
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