Outdoor enthusiasts and people in New York City can expect the arrival of Manhattanhenge, which will show a unique alignment of the sun and the city skyline. Thousands are expected to visit this unique astronomical opportunity.

2024 Manhattanhenge in NYC

New York City
New York City. Reports reveal that the 2024 Manhattanhenge is expected to unfold this week in New York City, providing unique views for outdoor enthusiasts and people. This event is considered the unique alignment of the sun and the city's skyline. People plannning to visit should consider the weather conditions and influx of visitors. Arriving early at the event is advisable to save parking areas or accommodations. Before traveling, it is important not to forget the cameras to capture the rare view! (Photo : by ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images)

If the weather conditions are not cloudy and there is no severe weather, photographers can likely witness the magnificent sky view at sunset. According to a report, the 2024 Manhattanhenge will unfold on May 29 (8:12 p.m. EDT) and July 12 (8:20 p.m. EDT)

For people planning to view the unique sightings of 2024 Manhattanhenge, it is important to consider the potential traffic and the chance of rain. Reports noted that areas with possible best sightings are located in the following areas:

  • 14th Street
  • 23rd Street
  • 34th Street
  • 42nd Street
  • 57th Street

As many people are expected to visit the 2024 Manhattanhenge, people should consider the potential traffic due to the influx of audience. Arriving early at the event is advisable to save parking lots or areas.

The latest weather report for New York City predicts potential thunderstorms and showers this week. The city recently experienced dense fog, but the conditions eventually improved. On Wednesday, residents can anticipate a seasonably warm temperature outlook, with highs in the middle to upper 70s.

Also Read: New York, Pennsylvania Weather Forecast: Heavy Rains Packed with Thunderstorms Likely This Week

Viewing the mesmerizing views of Manhattanheng 2024

This year, astronomy lovers and people wanting to see the Manhattanheng can expect this event to appear twice, in May and June. Whether the weather can potentially affect the best viewing, people must prepare.

Direct sun gazing is not advisable when viewing the event due to possible eye damage. Limiting prolonged exposure to the sun is important.

During the event, many outdoor enthusiasts and photographers are expected to create the best images. Bringing cameras is essential to capture the much-awaited and rare event. Reports added that a tripod is helpful, particularly in capturing unique silhouettes.

At the event, it is recommended to have a raincoat and umbrella for potentially severe weather, cloudy conditions, or rounds of rain. If there are plans to bring children, parents should develop emergency plans or areas they could meet, if anyone is lost while viewing.

Furthermore, homeowners can consider having extra power banks if they experience low battery while capturing the rare view at sunset.

It is advisable to check the weather conditions before going to the area. If the weather becomes severe while going or returning home, homeowners should wait until the conditions improve.

Another aspect of preparedness is bottled water and food packs, as stores can be full or busy during that time. Staying energetic and healthy while waiting for Manhattanheng 2024 will be helpful.

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