The eastern US is home to a variety of spiders, from the harmless daddy longlegs to the venomous black widow.
But in recent years, a new species of spider has been spreading across the region, creating huge webs and catching the attention of both scientists and the public.
These spiders are called Joro spiders, and they are here to stay.
What are Joro spiders and where did they come from?
LUIS ROBAYO/AFP via Getty Images
Joro spiders are large, brightly colored spiders that belong to the same family as the golden silk spiders, which are native to the Americas.
However, they are native to East Asia, where they are found in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.
They were first discovered in the US in 2014 when a resident of Georgia reported seeing them in his backyard.
Since then, they have been found in several states, including South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Maryland, Oklahoma, and West Virginia.
Joro spiders have a distinctive appearance, with yellow and black bands on their abdomen and legs, and red markings on their head.
The females are larger and brighter than the males and can grow up to an inch long, with a leg span of up to four inches.
They build large, golden webs that can span several feet, and often hang from trees or other structures. The webs are strong enough to catch small birds and bats, but the spiders mainly feed on insects5.
They have a unique way of traveling, called ballooning. They release silk threads into the air, which catch the wind and carry them to new locations.
This technique allows them to disperse rapidly and colonize new territories. Researchers at Clemson University have used 20 variables to model how the Joro spider would fare in the US, given its typical native habitat in East Asia.
They found that the spider can inhabit most of the eastern US and that its comfort area matches up very well with much of North America.
They are shy and rarely bite unless they feel cornered. Their venom is not harmful to humans and may cause only mild pain and swelling.
Joro spiders may be beneficial to the environment, as they serve as natural pest control by feeding on insects that may damage crops or transmit diseases.
However, Joro spiders may have some negative impacts on the ecosystem, as they compete with native spiders for food and space.
They may also affect the behavior and population of other animals, such as birds and bats, that may avoid or prey on them.
Researchers are still working to understand the ecological role and impact of Joro spiders in the US, and how they may affect the biodiversity and balance of the region.
Joro spiders are an example of an invasive species, which are organisms that are introduced to a new area, either intentionally or accidentally, and cause harm to the native species, the environment, or the economy.
Invasive species are a major global problem and can have devastating effects on the natural and human systems.
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, invasive species cost the US more than $120 billion per year in damages and control efforts.
Joro spiders are not the only invasive spiders in the US. Several other species have been introduced from other parts of the world, such as the brown recluse, the hobo spider, the yellow sac spider, and the brown widow.
Some of these spiders are more dangerous than Joro spiders and can cause severe reactions or even death in some cases.
Joro spiders are not going away anytime soon, and experts say that people need to make peace with them and accept their presence. Joro spiders are not aggressive, and will not harm humans or pets unless provoked.
They may even help reduce the insect population and provide food for other animals.
However, some people may find them annoying or frightening, especially when they encounter their large webs or see them ballooning in the air.
If you want to get rid of Joro spiders from your property, there are some methods you can try. You can use a broom or a stick to knock down their webs or spray them with water or insecticide. You can also use sticky traps or glue boards to catch them or vacuum them up.
However, these methods may not be very effective, as Joro spiders can quickly rebuild their webs or balloon to another location. You may also end up killing other beneficial spiders or insects in the process.
The best way to deal with Joro spiders is to learn more about them and appreciate their beauty and uniqueness.
Joro spiders are fascinating creatures that have adapted to a new environment and survived. They are part of the natural world, and have a role to play in the ecosystem.
They may also inspire curiosity and wonder in people, especially children, who may want to observe them and learn more about their behavior and biology.