Animals show signs of distress and stressed indicators that could likely seem like suicidal behavior.
However, reports explained that animals don't commit suicide. Animal lovers and pet owners need to understand the distressed behavior of animals that could affect them mentally and emotionally.
You might have seen your pet dog not eating for some days or people saying that they are making a burying ground for them.
According to a study published in Animal Sentience, the researcher explained that animals manage to indicate possible suicidal behaviors like in humans. The study noted that there is a little evidence about animals committing suicide.
Meanwhile, AZ Animals said that experts looked into the animals' death concept and cognition but noted the lack of conclusive ideas supporting the idea that animals commit suicide.
However, animals can show destructive behavior. Pet owners and animal lovers should immediately seek help from a veterinary clini of they spot the following behavior.
Isolating oneself and lack of interest

Sometimes, animals can isolate themselves from their group or lack interest in their active lifestyle.
The behavior indicates a sign of distress. According to a study published in Science Direct, animals can show social isolation, responding to a particularly stressful experience.
While being isolated, animals can unleash an aggressive behavior. The said indicator can indicate a destructive behavior in animals that could result in death.
Poor eating diet or lifestyle
Furthermore, animals can change their eating lifestyle or habits, indicating a possible emotional problem, like when a companion dies or becomes isolated.
In cases of dogs or cats, they exhibit a lack of interest in eating when their owners pass away or companions become missing.
According to World Animal Protection, unlocking and knowing the suffering of animals and possible emotions can help them from distress. The report noted that people should not dismiss the complex feelings of animals towards their environment and friends.
Potential self-harm
Reports explained the self-harm behavior of animals. They can harm themselves in many ways, from biting or dangerous acts.
According to a report published by San Francisco State University, animals in captivity could likely exhibit self-harm and self-destructive behavior. Read here.
The study explained that animals could have injurious behavior that like suicidal acts in humans.
Furthermore, the AZ Animals noted that animals can act as a group defense. For instance, bees could likely sacrifice themselves to save colonies.
There are also cases that parasites could infect animals which could likely kill themselves by being exposed to predators.
Did you know?
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the popular myth of lemmings committing suicide is false, noting the said animals did not kill themselves.
The report indicated that the lemmings committing mass suicide were fake. Read more here.
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