Another round of severe thunderstorms and flooding downpours is expected to unload in the Northeastern US until early next week.
People with travel plans should check the weather conditions before leaving, as flooding could make them stranded on major roads.
Recently, Nature World News (NWN) reported that New York City (NYC) and Northeast parts recorded rain conditions, helping to ease the dry conditions in the region.
The report noted that challenging floods unfolded in parts of Pennsylvania and New York City.
While the Northeast could expect flooding rainfall, the report said brutal heat is forecasted in the Southwestern US.
Dangerous flood in the Northeast
According to AccuWeather, the Northeast and Midwest could likely experience severe thunderstorms this week. In the Northeast, the report noted that flooding could raise safety concerns.
The stormy conditions in the Northeast could cause possible flash flooding and urban flooding.
Based on the weather outlook, severe thunderstorms in the Northeast could emerge from Thursday to Tuesday, bringing renewed flooding risk and slower commutes.
The rainy outlook could unfold in Nashville, Atlanta, Raleigh, Washington, Boston and Burlington.
Furthermore, the NWS Weather Prediction Center reported that excessive rainfall is expected in New England. The advisory warned of flooded roads, urging Americans to keep updated with the weather update.
From Friday until the weekend, the latest forecast said that locally severe thunderstorms and intense rainfall could become a problem in Burlington, Buffalo, Portland, Boston, New York, Washington, Virginia Beach, Pittsburg and Virginia Beach.
The forecast in the southwestern US showed that hotter conditions could likely be in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston and El Paso.
Motorists and homeowners should watch the weather. When severe weather continues, evacuating to safe areas could become helpful.
On Thursday, flash flooding and isolated tornadoes could unload in Cincinnati, Roanoke, Harrisonburg, Washington, New York, Danbury and Albany.
The NWS Weather Prediction Center also recently reported that a brutal or dangerous hit could impact parts of the South-Central US next week.
The forecast warned that the challenging heat could say until July 21 in parts of the United States, which families without cooling systems are mostly at risk.
Also Read : US Weather Forecast: Dangerous Heat to Hit Southwest; Northeast to Expect Rainy Conditions
Staying safe from the severe weather
Homeowners and motorists should keep updated with the weather conditions in the United States, especially the rainy outlook in the Northeast.
Here are essential reminders for motorists this week, as severe thunderstorms could become likely this week.
Motorists should watch out for possible flooding concerns this week in the Northeast. It is best to avoid flooded areas or wait until the weather improves.
Furthermore, keeping emergency kits at home would become helpful when power outages and inaccessible road conditions unfold.
Related Article : Isolated Tornadoes, Flooding To Hit Central US; Stormy Weather Likely in Northeast
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