A supposedly good trip became unforgettable for an Australian woman after suddenly becoming stranded in bushland, with only lollipops and wine available.

Authorities finally rescued the woman after being stranded in bushland for about five days.

Stranded in Australia's bushland

AUSTRALIA. Reports showed that a 48-year-old woman suddenly became stranded in bushland in Australia for five days, which managed to survive with only lollipops and wine inside her vehicle.
AUSTRALIA. Reports showed that a 48-year-old woman suddenly became stranded in bushland in Australia for five days, which managed to survive with only lollipops and wine inside her vehicle. WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images

In the latest reports, AccuWeather and BBC News reported that a supposedly short trip on the weekend became troublesome for Lilian Ip as she traveled to bushland in Victoria.

BBC News reported that the rescued woman had only a bottle of wine and lollipops after her vehicle was stuck in the muddy area.

The stranded woman had no one to contact for five days, waiting for an immediate rescue. AccuWeather report added that Ms. Ip had no mobile phone to reach for the said emergency.

The report said that emergency search operations were deployed to search for her. Helicopters flew with the accompanied ground team and searched the area.

To survive, Ms. Ip used her vehicle's heater to stay warm under the colder temperatures in the area.

The reports noted that the stranded woman was found near the Mitta Mitta bushland.

Furthermore, the report noted that Ms. Ip was then brought to a nearby hospital.

The wine she had was supposedly given as a gift.

According to Fox News, a police report said she decided to stay near her vehicle, as there were about 37 miles to reach the nearest town.

Keeping emergency kits inside vehicles

From severe weather conditions, thunderstorms, heavy rain and flooding, keeping an emergency kit inside vehicles is helpful if you become stranded in the middle of the road.

While no one expects to become stranded or end up in a tragic situation, emergency car kits are life savers during emergencies.

Furthermore, the Australian Red Cross emphasized the crucial contribution of survival kits during times of stress or emergencies.

Here are important reminders for motorists during severe weather conditions or before leaving their homes. Preparing survival kits inside vehicles won't take long.

Keep updated with the current weather conditions.

Motorists should keep updated with the weather conditions before leaving their houses. It is best to keep away from flooded areas or severe weather conditions.

Before leaving home, you should inform your family about your planned trip. When the weather becomes severe, motorists should wait until the weather improves.

Check vehicle conditions

Checking vehicle conditions is essential, especially if you plan for a long-distance trip. It is best to repair it immediately if it shows vehicle issues.

Furthermore, tracking your trip or checking the road conditions is recommendable.

Preparing your vehicle emergency kits

The vehicle emergency kits can be kept in a bag inside your car. In the previous forecasts, Nature World News (NWS) showed the essential kits in case of emergencies.

  • Extra power bank and mobile phones
  • Food and water supply
  • Battery-operated radio
  • Extra batteries
  • Flashlight or torch
  • Medicine or first aid kit
  • Map

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