The modern workplace is changing rapidly and employees today are using different criteria when they choose where and with whom they want to work. Whereas workers in the past used to look for long-term benefits, pension plans, steady employment, and opportunities for advancement, today's world is different. Now, workers are more likely to evaluate the environment and atmosphere in a workplace, as well as to expect adequate pay and make flexibility and mental health a priority. Here are some of the things workers are valuing in the modern workplace:
Modern workers often seek a workplace that offers flexibility in terms of work schedule and location. This includes the ability to work remotely, have flexible hours, and have a work-life balance. Many workers are seeking to work remotely for some or all of their office hours. Working remotely can allow workers to fulfill their obligations from different locations, at different times, and without having to commute to work. Many people prefer remote working simply because it can allow them to live in a cheaper neighborhood and avoid traffic jams or commute times.
The desire for flexible work hours is also common. Flexible work time allows employees to attend school functions with their children, work when they are at their best, and attend to other responsibilities as needed. Many employees work best in the evening, early morning, or even in the middle of the night, and flexible work hours allow them to be more productive.
A focus on sustainability in the workspace is becoming more important to modern workers. Sustainability can mean avoiding excess waste, recycling, and allowing people to work remotely which can save energy both in transportation as well as the energy used to keep office spaces open and comfortable. Sustainability can also include measures such as energy-saving technology, using more energy-efficient heating and cooling methods, and volunteer opportunities such as cleaning up a park or planting trees. A workplace sustainability study showed that most workers cite sustainability as important and nearly half consider it to be extremely important.
Career Development
Workers look for a workplace that offers opportunities for growth and career development. This includes mentorship programs, professional development opportunities, and training programs. Today's workers don't want to stay in the same position, or even the same company, for life. Instead, they are focused on growth and development. Employers who want to keep their workers will have to help them move up, learn, and grow. Workplace training, employer-sponsored retreats and seminars, and promotions are all ways that companies can help their workers improve and feel appreciated.
Inclusive Culture
Modern workers prefer a workplace that is inclusive and welcoming to all individuals regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation. This includes diversity and inclusion initiatives, employee resource groups, and equitable policies and practices. Companies that make inclusion and diversity a priority and recognize the value that people from different walks of life can bring to a workplace will keep and attract the best employees. In addition, inclusive companies are often more productive.
Collaborative Environment
Employees look for a workplace that promotes collaboration and teamwork. This includes ideas like an open-door policy, shared workspace, and team-building activities. A friendly, inclusive, welcoming, and collaborative work environment supports employees and helps to build strong relationships and teambuilding. Overall, when workers enjoy working together and have a supportive environment they are more productive and there are fewer problems.
Competitive Pay and Benefits
Workers expect a competitive salary and benefits package. This includes health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and bonuses. While benefits are often not the first item on the modern employee's list of needs, they can still be important. However, the benefits that workers ask for are often different than they were in the past. Decades ago, workers often wanted to find a company where they could stay for life, where they could retire, and receive a pension and retirement benefits. Today, employees are often seeking benefits that include more paid time off, mental health days, flexible work schedules, and affordable health insurance.
Work-Life Balance
Workers seek a workplace that recognizes the importance of work-life balance. This includes a reasonable workload, flexible scheduling, and the ability to take time off as needed. Respecting and promoting a healthy work-life balance will give companies a leg up when they are trying to attract new employees, and it will help their workers to have better mental health and healthier families, and give them a good reason to be loyal to the company.
Modern workers want to work for a company that has a clear mission and purpose that aligns with their values. This includes opportunities to volunteer, charitable giving, and sustainability initiatives. Having a sense of purpose and a chance to make a difference beyond the workplace can bring employees together in a common cause that they all believe in.
Workers seek a workplace with strong and effective leadership. This includes managers who are approachable, communicative, and supportive. When leaders are compassionate and supportive, workers thrive. When leaders are motivational, workers are productive. When leaders consider the needs and lives of their employees, workers want to stay with that company long-term. Businesses that want to attract the best and the brightest workers will focus on having high-quality leaders.
Companies that want to hire high-quality, successful workers and keep them for years will need to adjust their benefits, policies, and workplaces. As modern workers have different needs and priorities and as expectations change, companies and businesses will also have to adjust and change in order to keep up with modern standards. Corporations that can be progressive and attentive to their workers will have a competitive advantage in the worker marketplace.
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