Accustomed, indispensable in everyday life, the pillow has long been more than just a bed decoration. It performs a social function and we associate it with peace and relaxation. Properly chosen soft accessories will maintain health, provide proper rest and help to have sweet and pleasant dreams.
Types of pillows
The criterion for determining the type of pillow is considered its purpose. For a night's rest, classic and anatomical orthopedic neck support pillows are designed. These are ergonomic, modern products, designed to provide comfortable conditions for the sleeping person.
Decorative cushions decorate sofas, on which we relax with pleasure in front of the TV, put under the back or legs for comfort. They are quite possible to rely on and lean on, such products please the eye with beautiful colors, pleasant textiles, and a variety of shapes.
If you are planning to go on a long journey, do not reject the pillow for travel. It is comfortable to doze off during a long sitting in a car, plane or train. The original shape (for example a horseshoe) is comfortable under the neck, head, chin. Prevents neck stiffness, discomfort in the area of the shoulders, disturbance of blood circulation during rest during travel.
Models for adults are not suitable for children, a child needs a special child pillow that takes into account the physiology of the growing person. Products for special life situations are invented. Expectant mothers will appreciate the pillows for pregnant women, facilitating sleep in a difficult period of a woman's life. The newborn baby would be happy to feed with a special pillow form for nursing mothers.
How pillows differ from each other
Modern orthopedic mattress supports comfortable body condition during sleep, guarantees the correct position of the spine and joints, relieves muscle tension. But it is impossible to get all the comforts of a miracle mattress without the right pillow. Such a tandem will bring maximum benefit.
It is only at first sight and disinterested that all the pillows are the same. Their differences are cardinal! They differ:
Each item on the list is important and deserves attention.
The main forms of pillows
The older generation remembers large square-shaped feather pillows, for which pillowcases measuring 80 cm by 80 cm were intended. Today, such giants are rare, but standard square products with dimensions of 70 cm by 70 cm are still popular in everyday life. Orthopedists will not approve of such a choice, because they say: the shoulder should not fall on the pillow.
More comfortable specialists call products of rectangular shape with sides 50 by 70 cm. They are comfortable for the head and the cervical spine, and take up less space on the bed. To the advantages we should add a lower cost of pillowcases, due to the lower consumption of fabric. And here is the result: 80% of inhabitants of our planet make a choice in favor of a rectangular Euro standard. Square and rectangular pillows are considered a classic option.
Popular orthopedic products in shape reminiscent of a wave. Their ergonomic model is created taking into account physiological curves of the spine and consists of two parallel half-rolls, between which there is a recess for the head.
There are cushions in the form of a wave with a niche for the shoulder. They are for people who prefer to sleep on their side. Models of pillows for sleeping in the form of a bone securely fix the neck, contributing to the correct positioning of the head.
Notches on both sides are convenient for those who sleep on their side, stomach and back.
What you need to know about height
A clue for choosing the height of the pillow is your main sleeping posture.
For those who sleep on their back most of the time, a "headrest" of medium height 8-10 cm will do.
Preferring a pose on your stomach, you'd better opt for a product lower, 6-8 cm in height.
Some may do without a pillow during sleep. Even if they do, do not refuse its low variant, and at night place it under the stomach, in order not to provoke discomfort in the lumbar region after waking up.
A firm and high pillow is necessary for those, who like to turn on the side. It should reliably support a neck and fit between an ear and a shoulder. The ideal is a product that is equal to the width of the shoulder from the point where the neck starts to the base of the arm. Check this anatomical indicator and use the number as a guide for choosing the right height.
Often turn over during sleep - take a pillow of medium height. And be sure to determine the firmness of your mattress before buying. If you have a soft version underneath you, the pillow should be higher. A firm mattress will not allow the headrest to fall down and will keep its height.
About the fillings
An important indicator, which depends on the supporting function of the pillow, ie, the correct position of the spine on the bed. There are only two options: natural and synthetic. For allergy sufferers there is no choice - only synthetic materials that do not cause allergic reactions.
Those who are not in this group should pay attention to hygroscopic, "breathing", with excellent thermo-regulation, easily reshape pillows filled with feather and down, sheep or camel wool, bamboo fiber, silk and latex. Among synthetic fillings, the most popular are artificial (swan) down, hollofiber and synthetic fibers. Define their advantages and disadvantages.
+ Orthopedic, well bouncy
+ Quickly recovers shape
+ Durable
+ Easy to care for
- High cost
Natural Wool
+ Have a therapeutic effect on the body
+ Provide a good air circulation
+ Hygroscopic
+ Warm in cold seasons
- Prone to deformation (lose their shape after use and can not be repaired)
- Contraindicated for people suffering from asthma and allergies
- Require dry cleaning and drying
Bamboo fiber
+ Eco-friendly
+ Antibacterial
+ Breathable
+ Maintains optimal thermoregulation
+ Easy care (machine washable, quick drying)
- Absorb moisture quickly
- Tough when wet
Herbal (herbs, buckwheat husks, hop cones, rice shells)
+ Gives a gentle massage effect
+ They help revitalize the body
- Too hard
- Crunchy
- They require special care
Silk fiber, silkworm
+ Durable
+ Hypoallergenic with good cleaning material
+ Long retains its shape
- Complicated fabrication technology
- Requires dry cleaning
Silicone down
+ Elasticity
+ Volume
+ Quick recovery time
+ Durable
+ Inexpensive
- Consumer prejudice against synthetic materials
- Lack of moisture absorption
+ Elasticity
+ Orthopedic
+ Easy care
+ Good thermal conductivity
+ Lack of toxicity
+ Easy care
- Rigidity
- Lack of moisture absorption
+ Good thermal conductivity
+ Orthopedic
+ Does not absorb odors
+ Provides microcirculation
+ Easy to machine wash
- Rigidity
- Insufficient moisture absorption
Artificial Swan feather down
+ Softness
+ Lightweight
+ Quick volume regeneration
+ Moisture resistance
+ Thermal insulation
+ Breathability
- Consumer prejudice against synthetic materials
Anatomic memory foam
+ Orthopedic properties
+ Ability to remember the favorite positions of sleeping on it
+ Durable
+ Breathability
- High cost
Stiffness and softness
The best solution for your sleep is health care supplies by Nygex.
And here's a quick test drive of the orthopedic pillow on the spot:
Quality, resilient pillow will return to shape in 3-6 seconds after pressure by hand.
Its filling will not slide into one corner after you shake it by the opposite one.
As for hardness, you should choose it depending on your favorite sleeping position:
Soft pillows are recommended for those who like to sleep on their stomach.
Hard pillows are for those who sleep on their side.
If you sleep on your back, choose medium firmness.
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