The majority of us use our cell phones every day, and for a considerable amount of time - especially if you work from your phone.
With all of our electronics increasing our carbon footprint due to data usage, charging, and the manufacturing of handsets and Sims, it's important to do what we can to lessen their detrimental impact. Many people don't consider their phone's environmental impact, but the journey from the factory where they're made to your hand will, of course, result in a carbon footprint.
Take a look at our 4 easy steps toward making your smartphone and lifestyle more eco-friendly.
Lessen Your Waste
The easiest way to minimize your environmental impact is to lessen your electronic waste. This is as easy as holding off on buying the newest iPhone. (We know it's hard!) If you do happen to indulge in the newest model, make sure to check out our durable iPhone 14 Pro cases - built for longevity.
The longer you can extend your phone's lifespan, the less demand will exist for manufacturers to build and supply. Manufacturing accounts for the majority of your smartphone's carbon footprint in its first year of life. An entire 95% of carbon emissions within the total footprint are a direct result of this early process!
A case will protect your technology as well as keep it in your pocket for longer.
Energy Efficient Chargers
You could go all out and buy a solar-powered phone charger, although they're mostly marketed to campers. Otherwise, spend time researching lower energy-use chargers, as some do use more energy than others.
Most of us charge our phones overnight out of habit, but smartphones these days typically take less than 8 hours to reach full charge. By investing in a low energy-use alternative and charging your phone for less time, you're already using fewer fossil fuels.
Recycle Your Dead Phone
In America, 416,000 cell phones end up in landfills and incinerators every single day. When this happens, harmful toxins release into the soil, water, and air. Unfortunately, this is a direct result of people failing to recycle. It's not just third-world countries that suffer. While much of the electronic waste in landfills ends up overseas, local lands suffer, too.
E-waste management is surely an issue for our climate, and every little helps.
Share Your Support
No matter which provider you're loyal to, each company has a manifesto or statement regarding its carbon footprint and its plans for the future environmentally. If you research the directives taken by companies, you're already making a conscious decision to support their eco-friendly plans, too.
Ask yourself what keeps you loyal to your current provider. Is it up for debate in your home? If sustainability is a priority for you, show your support by keeping that in mind when making your next smartphone - and phone case! - purchase.
Make a Greener Call
Now that you know how easy it is to show your support and invest time in sustainability, make a greener call moving forward. We're all doing our part!
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