Hurricane Nicole could unleash heavy rains in portions of the Northeast this week that could cause flash floods.
Residents in the said areas should stay updated with the hurricane's developments.
The National Hurricane Center reported that Hurricane Nicole could make landfall near the East Coast of Florida.
The report added that Hurricane Nicole managed to maintain strong wind and dangerous storm surges with waves.
As some areas in the Rockies and Midwest would experience blizzards and severe weather conditions, the report said that Hurricane Nicole could unload heavy rains in the Northeast.
Meanwhile, the National Hurricane Center said that Hurricane Nicole was seen moving away from Grand Bahama Island. According to Miami's road imagery, it was moving to the east coast of Florida.
Affected Areas
Moreover, AccuWeather's latest update on November 10, showed that Nicole could bring downpours starting Friday.
The outlook revealed that rain showers with potential thunderstorms would emerge in Columbus, Charleston, Washington, Pittsburg, Detroit, Buffalo, and Burlington. Meanwhile, Virginia Beach to New York would experience increasing wind.
In other portions, pleasantly warm or balmy weather could be expected in Boston and Portland on the same day.
For the flash flood risks, AccuWeather reported that it could happen from Thursday night to Friday night.
A potential widespread flash flood could occur in Charleston, Asheville, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo.
On the other hand, a possible localized flash flood could emerge in Roanoke, Allentown, and Burlington. Residents should be aware of the threat of flash floods and avoid traveling in the said areas.
From Friday to Friday night, the outlook showed isolated tornadoes and damaging wind gusts up to 50 to 60 mph could happen in portions of Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Raleigh, Virginia Beach, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Springfield.
In the latest update, the National Hurricane Center added that Hurricane Nicole could cause a dangerous storm on the east coast of Florida, the coast of Georgia, and Florida's Big Bend.
The report added that isolated flash floods and urban flooding could be possible.
Meanwhile, small steam flooding could also occur on Friday.
Safety preparations
The threat of Hurricane Nicole consists of flooding, landslides, dangerous seas, and strong winds.
The Hurricane could cause potential damage to properties. As Hurricane Nicole comes near to making an impact, it is best to prepare.
Here are some important reminders for the impact of Hurricane Nicole.
- Weather news emphasized the importance of listening to or reading weather updates. Stay updated with warnings and watches to help you be better prepared.
- Repair your home for any potential damage that could worsen during the storm's impact.
- Avoid going to areas that have hurricane watches. It is best to cancel your outdoor activities.
- If your house is near the river, coast, or seawater, monitor for the potential sea water level rise. When the water rapidly rises, evacuate to the nearest shelter or upon the advice of your local authorities.
- Fully charge all your mobile devices and power banks. Having a bag with medicines and basic supplies would be helpful.
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