Tadpoles have a good underwater vision, however, what tends to happen when they develop into frogs and spend most of their time on land?
In search of the solution, scientists from York University and a number of other institutions discovered that tadpoles' eyes go through an unexpectedly large lot of changes.
Tadpole's special feature
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Using eyes incorporated on their tails, blind tadpoles have rediscovered their vision.
Such eyes developed new interconnection to the tadpole's nervous system with the aid of migraine medication, as per New Scientist.
According to the research team, the same strategy might help the body integrate bioengineered body parts in humans.
According to Michael Levin of Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts is intrigued by the potential applications of bioengineered organs in human anatomy.
Teams from all over the community have already developed simpler organs like tracheas and bladders inside the lab and incorporated them into human beings.
Currently, they are continuing to work on more complex organs like eyes and hearts.
But for these to function, the organs would need to be linked to the central nervous system, which also regulates the body and relays data to the brain.
Tadpoles undergo a physical transformation in their sense to becoming frogs, but how their own vision adapts at the molecular level throughout the various life stages to a noticeably different environment was unknown, as per ScienceDaily.
A research team, including Assistant Professor Ryan Schott at York University who analyses the visual system of vertebrates, looked at the eyes of southern leopard frogs to see if and how they changed.
Frogs are not quite the same to see underwater as it is to see on land. While the illumination on land is bluer, the light underwater sometimes has a more reddish hue, particularly in ponds where there are lots of frogs.
Additionally, there is less light in the water than there is on land. Animals with good vision in one environment are likely to have poor vision in the other.
According to Schott, the study's principal investigator and corresponding author, we have been interested in learning what changes take place that enables an animal to transition out of seeing deep in the ocean to seeing on land.
According to the adaptive decoupling hypothesis, animals with distinct life stages that are separated by metamorphosis, such as caterpillars that turn into butterflies or tadpoles that turn into frogs, may be better able to adapt to their diverse areas.
Using RNA sequencing to see the stages of gene expression or which genes were turned on in the eyes, the researchers analyzed gene expression patterns in the eyes of leopard frog tadpoles and juvenile frogs.
What they discovered shocked them. The distinction in gene expression levels that we discovered in their own eyes across the stages in life was significantly greater than expected, and a significant number of them are genes directly vision-related, which was an exciting finding, according to Schott.
They discovered that 42% of the genes in tadpoles' eyes changed or had expression patterns when they turned into frogs.