A recent study discovered a 'bi-directional' association between gastrointestinal disorders and internalized symptoms in autistic children and adolescents, implying that the symptoms appear to affect each other at the same time.
The findings might have an impact on future precision medicine research focused on generating individualized medicines to alleviate discomfort in people with autism who are suffering from gastrointestinal difficulties.
Gastrointestinal issues in people with autism spectrum
CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images
Teenagers having autism spectrum condition have a greater risk of gastrointestinal disorders, such as constipation and stomach discomfort than their neurotypical counterparts, as per ScienceDaily.
Other internalizing symptoms that some people experience at the same time include stress, worry, sadness, and social disengagement.
There has been no research that has looked into the link involving gastrointestinal symptoms and internalizing symptoms.
According to Brad Ferguson, an assistant research professor in the MU School of Health Professions, Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Department of Radiology in the MU School of Medicine, gastrointestinal concerns are associated with a significantly higher stress reaction as well as aggressive behavior and mood swings in some children with autism.
This is most likely because some autistic children are unable to vocally explain their gastrointestinal problems or how they feel in general, which may be highly upsetting.
The study's goal is to discover which features are associated with digestive troubles in persons with autism, so that we may create drugs to assist these people to feel better.
Ferguson and his colleagues examined health records from over 620 autistic young people within the age of 18 at the MU Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
The researchers next investigated the link between gastrointestinal disorders and internalized symptoms such as stress, anxiety, sadness, and social disengagement. Ferguson stated that the findings add to the body of research supporting the relevance of the "gut-brain axis," or the relationship between the brain and the digestive system, in autism-related gastrointestinal issues.
It is most common in people with Autism Spectrum
When compared to their peers, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience greater medical concerns, including gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as stomach discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea, as per Mayo clinic.
At the same time, many children with ASD choose highly processed meals and consume fewer fruits, vegetables, and cereals
As a result of these factors, people with Autism Spectrum may have nutrient-deficient diets and weight-related health concerns that might persist into adulthood. Obesity, high blood pressure (hypertension), and diabetes are all more common in adults with ASD.
It might be difficult to know how to assist a youngster with ASD and GI issues. Due to the communication problems associated with ASD, it is frequently difficult to determine whether a child's diet is the source of the GI symptoms or if the signs are the symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Furthermore, when a youngster has gotten accustomed to selective eating, implementing nutritional modifications might be challenging.
Families and caretakers may employ limitation or removal diets to regulate symptoms or behaviors. Constrictive diets must be carefully planned since they increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies.
The aim for a kid with ASD is the same as it is for any youngster: to ensure proper food intake and to support lifelong health.