Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes are not common, but they can take travelers by surprise and cause severe damage. In addition, climate change is driving an increased incidence of natural disasters 2021, including wildfires that erupted in Turkey and the United States. Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption also caused significant damage to the island and became a threat to the lives of its inhabitants, who had to leave their homes. Tourists should be aware of the natural disasters risks and know what to do for their health and lives preservation. In this article, you can get this information.
General tips before traveling
Research your destination. Before buying tickets and packing your bags, look at the list of natural disasters that can happen in your traveling destination. For example, in Japan, often occur in Japan, the most powerful of which can lead to a tsunami. Furthermore, hurricanes, tornadoes, or typhoons may regularly occur in a region at certain times of the year. As volcano observers and teams typically warn of potential eruptions and volcanic activity, read the news to be sure. Thanks to the Internet, you can avoid risks by getting all the information about the weather.
Get travel health insurance. Regardless of the chosen destination, do not neglect the purchase of insurance. It may not be helpful to you, but if a spontaneous action occurs during your stay, it can save your life. Of course, read the information about the various insurance options carefully and do not forget to check if the insurance covers medical evacuation in case of a natural disaster. In addition, insurance can also help with purchasing tickets in case of an emergency. In such a case, it is provided to cover the cost of air tickets or additional overnight stays at the hotel. Also, review what the selected airline offers in case of a disaster.
Be ready with a plan. Be sure to make several copies of documents for your family members or friends who remain at home. Tourists should have the airline, tour operator, and hotel contacts. Please make sure they are available to you in an emergency. If you choose to travel by car, pack a whale that includes a first aid kit, flashlight, an extra pair of shoes, a blanket, and a phone battery.
Know contacts of your country's embassy. It may be the most important contact you have in case of a natural disaster. It is crucial to note that you should only call if you need help (injured or in need of emergency assistance).
If a Natural Disaster Strikes
The actions to be taken during a natural disaster will depend on its type. However, in any case, it is recommended that you try to remain calm and listen carefully to whatever the public health authorities have to say. You will be instructed on specific actions and will be provided with assistance. It is essential not to get involved in chaos and not to panic. Check out the information provided by the Red Cross for additional advice, although it is most likely helpful to seek shelter and leave the public streets.
Volcanic eruption
When a volcano erupts, it is critical to have a kit to help protect your lungs and eyes from poisonous gases, debris, and ash. It must be prepared in advance if you are going to a place with active volcanoes. Listen carefully for sirens and evacuation instructions. You should also contact your loved ones, airline, and insurance companies.
If you are traveling to a tropical climate, check when the rainy season is there. It is crucial to be prepared for flooding during this time, especially if you are near lakes and rivers. Choose your home wisely to avoid flooding due to heavy rainfall. Elevated locations are best; look at the location on the map and make sure it is not in a flood zone. It is essential to take water purifiers with you, as during flooding, clean water is in short supply, and dirty water is a source of disease. Also, make sure that your belongings, especially documents, are stored in a waterproof material.
Check if the selected direction is a seismic zone or seismic hazard zone. If earthquakes are common in your chosen location, choose your accommodation carefully. Give preference to earthquake-resistant houses, and be sure to check it. If you are booking accommodation in a seismic zone on the coast, be sure to check out the signs of a tsunami because you may only have a few minutes to rescue.
If you stay in a building during an earthquake, falling objects can hurt you. So you have to drop, cover, and hold on. Move away from the windows, as the shards of glass may injure you. After an earthquake, do not use the elevator if you need to leave the building.
If you are in your car or outdoors at the time of the earthquake, find a clean spot. Lie on the floor until the tremors stop. There must be no buildings, trees, or power lines around as they can fall and injure you.
If you choose the destination of high tsunami risk, select accommodation not closer than 200 meters from the coastline, preferably on a hill. Furthermore, check the information from the local communities, as they provide evacuation maps and various recommendations for a tsunami case. Also, study the early signs of this disaster.
If you notice that the seawater is receding, leave the beach immediately and find the nearest hill. If you are in a boat, you will have to face the direction of the waves and head out to sea, and when swimming in the water, grab onto objects that will help you stay afloat (logs, doors, rafts, etc.)
Avalanches are dangerous due to possible injury and carbon dioxide poisoning. When heading to the mountains, check for phenomena such as deforestation, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and weather conditions in the area. All of them can cause avalanches in the mountains.
If an avalanche does start during your stay in the mountains, you should grab rocks, trees, and other solid objects so that you do not get carried away. Keep your mouth closed, and your teeth clenched to keep out snow or debris obstructing breathing. If an avalanche is taking you down, try to stay on the surface and move as if you were swimming.
When the avalanche slows down, make an airbag with your hand in front of your face and push your other hand towards the surface. After the avalanche descends and stops, try to dig yourself out. If it is not possible, relax your breath and keep calm. Please wait for the rescuers and start shouting only when you hear that they are nearby.
Natural disasters can take tourists by surprise. They cannot always be predicted accurately. In addition, people may miss warnings while in the mountains, forest, or sea. That's why it is necessary to look at the list of potential cataclysms in the direction you go and what to do in such situations.
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