A new fly species has been named after LGBT icon RuPual, the insect was named after him by an Australian scientist, and the "Drag Race" host seemed to approve.

Opaluma rupaul

While many may dislike flies, they are an essential source of food for many creatures. Flies are enjoyed by birds, lizards, and frogs alike (as does my dog). We already know that insects play an essential part in the chain of life, but a recent study suggests that they may be able to do considerably more.

Flies serve as scavengers, eating rotting organic debris so that we don't have to, which is an essential function in the ecosystem. There would be garbage and dead animal corpses everywhere if it weren't for the flies. While you're grilling, ponder this fantastic notion. Flies convert feces and decomposing corpses into free stock feed and live bird, frog, and reptile food. When you think about it, it's fantastic.

They may eat garbage and prevent it from filling up landfills. The larvae of the black soldier fly, for example, can reach up to 600 and consume half a gram of organic matter every day. Thus, every year, one tiny family may consume an entire home green trash container.

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