This unique bright yellow critter has made news after being rescued in West Bengal, India. Although it appears to be an albino Indian flap shell turtle, online users believe it resembles a piece of melted cheese.
A farmer discovered the odd turtle while working in his crops in the hamlet of Sujanpur, in Odisha's Balasore district. Before turning the turtle over to forest officials, the farmer opted to take it home and contact conservation specialists. The Association for Biodiversity Conservation's executive director, Siddhartha Pati, told CNN that it was the first time he had ever seen this type of turtle.
Experts believe it is a two-year-old adult albino turtle, which is exceedingly unique. "An albino turtle has been found for the first time in Odisha and the second time in India," Siddhartha Pati, executive director of the Association for Biodiversity Conservation, told the reporters.
Another Albino Flap Shell Discovered in India
Another albino turtle was discovered by residents in Sindh a few years ago, after uploading a video and a photo of the uncommon turtle, Susanta Nanda, who works for the Indian Forest Service, tweeted, "One such aberration was recorded by locals in Sindh a few years back." mark the pink eyes, one indicative feature of albinism," he said.
They had a small impact on the globe. People began to compare it to cheese since it resembled melted cheese in appearance. Photos of this brilliant yellow turtle became popular after being published on Twitter.
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar are all home to this flap shell turtle. This uncommon albino turtle has now been reintroduced to the wild.
What is Albinism?
"Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of tyrosine pigment," Siddhartha Pati said this about the condition. He added "also, sometimes mutation in the gene sequence or there is a deficiency of tyrosine."
Albinism is a condition in which a person/animal gets one or more defective genes from both parents that prevent the body from producing melanin, the pigment that determines the color of their skin, fur, and eyes. Melanin is produced by melanocytes, which are specialized cells seen in albino animals but are not completely functioning.
Non-mammal species can also be albino, although they may not seem completely white since they can generate other pigments besides melanin. Even albino creatures can have color if their melanin-producing genes are not destroyed.
Albino animals may confront challenges in the wild. They frequently have weak eyesight, which makes it difficult for them to seek food and escape danger. They have a tough time locating a partner in certain circumstances, and their lack of camouflage leaves them exposed to predators. Consider albino alligators, which are such an easy target for predators that they are frequently devoured before reaching adulthood.
Poachers are more likely to target albino animals and other exceptionally pale species to profit from the increasing demand for exotic pets and items made from uncommon animals. The threat to these creatures is so serious that a foundation purchased an island off the coast of Indonesia only for the purpose of establishing a refuge for an albino orangutan. A lot of albino animals are taken to zoos to be safe. Snowflake, a National Geographic-featured gorilla who died from skin cancer in 2003, was one of the most well-known albino zoo animals.
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