On August 26, a C3 flare erupted from sunspot area 2859 on the Sun, sending a solar blast towards the Earth, according to the National Weather Service's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).
The SPWC determined that a partial halo CME occurred by analyzing available images from the SOHO/LASCO sensor. According to a statement published by the SWPC, study and modeling are currently ongoing to see if this CME has a geoeffective component.
Solar characteristics are analyzed by NOAA forecasters and must be considered throughout each forecast. If Earth is affected by a coronal hole and a coronal mass ejection is expected to hit the planet, the combined impacts might cause a larger impact and more violent geomagnetic storming.
Forecasters can detect when the increased solar wind from a coronal hole will arrive at Earth by analyzing data from the DSCOVR and ACE satellites.
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