Take this story as a cautionary tale about what not to do in any scenario. A guy in China was admitted to the hospital after using a live eel to relieve his constipation by inserting it up to his anus and into his rectum.

According to Global Times, the anonymous guy from Xinghua, China, implanted the 20-centimeter (7.87-inch) eel in his anus as per a supposed "traditional cure."

But, on the other hand, the eel had different ideas after reaching the man's rectum-after biting his colon and entering the abdomen, the eel proceeded for his colon and bit it, according to the Chinese news site.

Not Uncommon

Constipation is a frequent ailment for which several effective treatments do not need the use of live animals. Instead, consume more fruits and veggies, drink warm water, and invest in a Squatty Potty, to name a few.

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