Carbon emission is when carbon dioxide or CO2 is released into the atmosphere. The most abundant source of carbon emission are factories and vehicle usage in our modern era where automobiles, planes, and luxury cars are seen on a daily basis.
It becomes negative or hurtful to our nature when too much carbon dioxide is released and greenhouse gases are emitted, wherein we burn too much fossil fuels such as coals, oils, and many others. These things will sum up and cause Global warming and climate change to the world.

In relation to research, the University of Hawaii have evaluated that the usage of these EVs or Electric Vehicles will reduce carbon emission by 93% in just 30 years. Not only that, by using renewable resources it will help preserve our fossil fuels. By 2050, it is projected that by having Electric Vehicles in our society will let us save tons of millions of oils and gasoline.
Insight from Katherine McKenzie; A faculty member of SOEST
McKenzie, a general institute of SOEST or the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology has been projecting possible remedies to help the improvement of these futuristic Electric Vehicles. She indicated that if the progress will reduce or slow down it will cause billions of gallons of gasoline consumed for the next decades.
Also implying the lack of critical analysis on the situation that will show the full benefits of transitioning from gasoline-based vehicles to electric vehicles in the society. Many infrastructures will change and be renovated, and the budget would not be that easy for everyone to cope up.
Improvements seen in the present time
As of 2020, though not that abundant of these so called "Electric Vehicles". Some innovations are now seen such as the "Tesla". An average passenger who uses EVs only consumes equivalent of 66 gallons of gasoline, much lower than the usual passenger who uses around 450 gallons of gasoline that uses gasoline-based vehicles.
That is amazingly good because it shows that it consumes seven times lesser than gasoline-based vehicles. Another improvement seen today is the Alpha Electro, the first electric aircraft certified as airworthy by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 2018, is sold by the Slovenian firm Pipistrel. It's a welterweight at 811 pounds (368 kilograms), driven by a 21-kWh battery pack that's approximately one-fifth the size of a Tesla Model S.
The pilot training plane will keep you and a partner aloft for around 90 minutes without using a single drop of fossil fuel. As global warming has been more prevalent, technology has been advancing on a daily basis in order to aid the environment through sophisticated technologies.
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