Recently, a family in South Africa found a huge black mamba making its way into their home through the front door of their house, and this gave them the shock of their life. The reptile soon got into their bedroom and made it difficult for local snake catchers, but it was eventually caught.

The Incident
Nick Evans, a Snake catcher took to Facebook Monday to explain the incident from a building in Reservoir Hills, Durban. The family was in the kitchen when they noticed a disorderly outburst by the front door ahead of them, Evans described this in his post, together with footage of the rescue.
He added, saying they looked up and beheld this huge Black Mamba making its way to their home! "I think at this point many people would have fainted."
Evans wrote that the snake slithered in their direction, maybe not knowing they were there. The snake catcher said he thinks something outside had scared the animal in. When it got nearer, the gentleman carried a chair to make it go away. When it noticed this, the mamba slightly raised its head up, in fear, and curved left, going down the passageway.
The snake then entered the bedroom. The owner was fast enough to shut the door, confining the animal in the room, the snake catcher described in the post.
The Footage
The owner of the house then called the attention of Evans, who immediately went to the scene to rescue the snake.
The footage shows Evans opening the door of the bedroom to discover the snake crawling on the floor. Upon noticing some activity, this reptile is seen crawling underneath the bed. However, Evans tries to get hold of it with the use of his snake tongs. He then holds the reptile with his bare hands and he let the house owner know the reptile "is just frightened."
Evans further wrote in his post: "As you can see, when I opened the bedroom, I was taken aback by the moving sight before of me! The family was shaken up, and so was the snake. He didn't like the experience too!".

Opinions About the Black Mamba
The footage has since gone viral with more than 23,000 views in two days. Some people went to the comments section to call the snake "huge" and "beautiful."
One of the commenters wrote: "What a beauty. The snake was so anxious."
Another Facebook user wrote that the mamba is "Absolutely beautiful," but would not be saying this if the animal came to his house.
Black mambas are deadly venomous snakes, usually seen in the rocky hills of eastern and southern Africa. They can develop up to 14 feet in length. These reptiles are one of the world's fastest snakes.
Related Article : Black Mamba: 8 Fascinating Facts About the World's Deadliest Snake
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