4 Tips for Improving Lung Health
4 Tips for Improving Lung Health

Our lungs play a large role in keeping us alive. However, living in a time when air pollution is becoming increasingly worse, we need to do what we can to improve our respiratory health. With at least seven million people dying from air pollution every year, keeping our lungs healthy shouldn't be a side note in our pursuit of a better, healthier life. Here's what you can do to keep your lungs in good condition:

1. Stop destructive habits

The best advice you can get about lung health is to stop smoking or vaping. We all know what nicotine can do to the lungs, and vaping doesn't improve matters, since it also poses a threat to people with existing respiratory conditions. If you find it difficult to break the habit, you might want to speak with an addiction expert or therapist so you can work your way out of it. It takes time, but it's for the best in the long term.

2. Detoxify your home

You may be spending more time at home these days, but that doesn't mean you are protected against certain risks to your lungs. Cleaning materials that include aerosol sprays and disinfectants may contain volatile organic compounds. These chemicals may cause respiratory problems and complicate existing conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases or COPD.

In addition, prolonged exposure to VOCs (volatile organic compounds) may also lead to lung cancer. You will need to be careful when choosing cleaning supplies. To be sure, you can swap your favorite brands with DIY cleaning solutions involving the use of vinegar, borax, and baking soda.

3. Be mindful of where you are

You can never be too careful when venturing outside. If you are living in a highly congested city, then it's always important to never leave home without wearing a face mask. Even when you are visiting an establishment, you will need to know how safe you are inside.

Most office buildings that were built before the 1990s may contain asbestos which is a known carcinogen. You will never know for certain if an establishment is putting your lungs at risk, but the best you can do is getting legal counsel for asbestos and mesothelioma claims.

4. Improve your overall health

Aside from avoiding places and materials that can disrupt your respiratory health, you need to adopt an exercise regimen that specifically bolsters lung capacity and prevents the onset of major respiratory issues. Activities such as swimming, jogging, and brisk walking can give your lungs the workout they need to stay healthy.

When picking a routine, however, be sure to consider the respiratory issues you have at present. Apart from exercise, you also need to get ample sleep and consume foods that are rich in antioxidants. Apples and turmeric are just some of the best options if you live in a highly polluted community or if you are quitting cigarettes.

Your lungs are important to your survival, so it's always important to adopt a lifestyle that guards these amazing organs against risks.