Before they gained notoriety in the famous television series, Game of Thrones, dire wolves have since captured every fantasy fans and geeks' imagination.
All over the fantasy genre, these creatures are shown as giant-sized wolves that are capable of putting fear into the hearts of the bravest warriors.
Many thought that these beasts were only real in the hearts of fantasy lovers; however, they thought wrong.
Dire wolves (Canis dirus) are giant prehistoric wolves that reach an average of 150 pounds (68 kilos) during their maturity. They roamed many regions in prehistoric northern Americas and preyed on the now extinct megafauna species like giant ground sloths and Ice Age horses.
Aside from knowing the time period they lived and their diets, there is not much known about the fearsome creatures. However, it is universally known that these wolves, during their wild days, are a force to be reconned with.
Dire Wolves and Grey Wolves
In studies, scientists were somewhat surprised at the results of the genetic mapping and DNA tracing. The amazement was caused by preexisting assumptions that the prehistoric canines share close genetic ties and similarities with their modern-day "cousins," the gray wolves (Canis lupus). But, it turns out that they are actually evolutionary distant from each other.
According to Durham University archaeologist Angela Perri, "Dire wolves and gray wolves look super similar morphologically, but the genetics say they are not related closely in any way."
Recent findings showed that other than being members of the dog family and sharing the same ancient ancestors about 5 million years ago, the dire wolves and grey wolves are two totally distinct animal species.
Besides their evolution and genealogy, the question of their extinction is still the biggest mystery that looms over their existence.
"The question now becomes: Is their extinction related to climatic and environmental change, or did humans and potentially other wolves and dogs and [diseases] coming in assist in pushing them out?" Perri says.
Aenocyon Wolves
Before modern studies, the dire wolves were once called the mythological Aeoncyon wolf. Aenocyon means dreadful or terrible.
The legends revolve around stories of massive wolves with incredibly terrifying bone-breaking teeth. It was said that the fangs of these creatures were sharp enough to kill giant animals like the giant short-faced bears and ground sloths and strong enough to leave their bones crushed.
A legend that reached centuries in longevity might have started with a really terrifying encounter. It made Perri wonder if the menacing giant canines reached the period when early human ancestors began inhabiting the area.
"One of my questions had always been whether dire wolves were still around when humans entered the Americas," Perri said while wondering if there was any interaction between the two.
Indeed, the true nature of the dire wolf's existence and eventual extinction still remains one of modern science's most significant discoveries. Still, researchers and scientists won't be stopping their studies any time soon.
It's incredible how such an infamous creature is so known yet also still remains a mystery.
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