The approach in treating MDD is multi-disciplinary. Psychiatrists focus on Neuro-transmitters imbalances with anti-depressants. Usually, Cognitive behavioral therapists focus upon restructuring the thought patterns & changing behaviors.- These are the most commonly practiced & evidence based therapies.

In my personal view, I do think that the focus should be on the root cause , the reason why the neuro-chemical imbalance started in the first place & from where did these behaviors originate .

How Childhood Trauma Affect You?

It all goes back to the person's childhood , how much emotional reactions are still suppressed. Those suppressed reactions are the foundation that is considered the infra-structure for the subconscious complexes that are driving those behaviors right now.


Someone who was abused physically by his father, may have developed something called a "Submission Complex ". Submission Complex is a pattern where the person has to avoid conflicts or fears confrontations because he is thinking always about the worst outcome possible ". As a result of his constant need to avoid conflicts he is now incapable of fighting for his rights in his professional life and unable to stand up for himself with his emotional partner , which makes him passive. This will influence his life, he will start losing interest in life, hating himself & having the signs of MDD as a result of Submission Complex.

The Negative Influence of With Submissions Complex in Your Life

Submissions Complex can influence your life negatively. By chronically being under the influence of the submission complex "not being able to set proper boundaries, being pushed around ", the person is simultaneously will be under a chronic stressful situation, which activates the adreno-cortical system . The Elevated adrenaline levels would make the nervous system hyperactive which would contribute to Irritable bowel syndrome, Peptic ulcers & gastritis, Migraine attacks. In addition, Elevated cortisol levels would slowly ruin the immune system , which would kick start multiple Auto-immune disorders like RA, MS or SLE.

The Secret Ingredients In Resolving "Submission Complex"

Even if You recognize the behavior in one situation as a CBT Practitioner , you might focus on changing the behavior but unless You understand psycho-analytically the origin of this complex , how to release the suppressed reactions related to all the events , and how to introduce the mature realistic way of confrontations slowly adding boundaries to all kinds of relationships "family, Social, emotional" , the healing would be superficial at the behavior level not touching the roots what so ever . in addition, in the case the Submission Complex , The medication wouldn't help Resolve the complex .

In my opinion, this is the major element behind a whole lot of MDD Cases but it's totally ignored, My realistic psycho-analytic Medical approach focuses on Releasing the suppressed reactions by talking in vivid details about all the situations & feeling the pain or anger or sadness. Then, I Introduce conscious concepts of how to deal with these scenarios from a mature perspective while giving the client full acceptance which is the key element in expressing his truth & trying to make him understand that it isn't his fault , he was just programmed to have this complex and now he is fighting this old fake self-system.

Author Bio :

Dr. Yousef Khaled Fuad Hasan

Medical doctor

CPD Certified in Psychoanalysis

Instagram: dr_yosefalhasany

YouTube: dr_yosefAlhasany

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