4 Reasons to Hire a Debt Collection Agency
4 Reasons to Hire a Debt Collection Agency

No matter what business you're in, there are certain frustrations that you'll have: taxes, clients that take forever to decide if they will choose your business ... and defaulters. Even if you remind them of outstanding debt, you can't get them to pay. When friendly reminders don't work, you'll have to step up your game - which you can do with a collection agency. In this article, we'll talk about why hiring a debt collection agency is a good idea to finally get your outstanding bills paid.

1. They have the expertise

    If you've always had clients that paid on time, you might not know which steps you can take to confront your debtors. You might have tried calling them, sending them emails ... When all else fails, you might be stuck on which step to take next. After all, your main area of expertise was never collecting debts! Hiring a collection agency (Dutch: incassobureau inschakelen) is your best bet since these agencies have years of experience in collecting debts. They'll know exactly which step to take next.

    2. They use different tools

      When you're trying to reach a defaulter, it's possible that you'll try to call a number you can no longer reach. Or you'll feel like you're sending emails into the void. When people don't want to be found, it can be really hard to reach them! A collection agency (Dutch: incassobureau) luckily has different tools that they can use. Think about databases full of information and credit reporting devices normal civilians can't use. They can use all these tools to figure out how to reach your debtor.

      3. They'll document everything correctly

        Did you know you have to have everything documented if you have to end up taking your debtor to court? The court will ask for detailed records and documents, in which you have to show your extensive efforts to contact your debtor and recover the debt. If you've never done this before, you might not keep all documentation or spend a lot of time on this. For a debt collection agency, however, this is just their daily work!

        4. They'll make sure the legalities are correct

          Did you know you can get countersued if you break a law about how debts should be collected? Some defaulters know these laws very well and are waiting for you to make a mistake ... If you hire a debt collection agency, you can minimize the risk of legal issues, because your agency is up-to-date with all the laws and regulations.

          Good luck getting your outstanding bills paid! When you're looking for a debt collection agency, we recommend you to look in your neighbourhood - it's super handy if you can pop by the office to discuss the proceedings. If you live in The Hague for instance, you can easily google 'incassobureau Den Haag' to find a collection agency near you. Also make sure to always check out their reviews, so you know which ones are trustworthy. Good luck!