How to Make Your Office Corona-proof?
How to Make Your Office Corona-proof?

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is not at its peak anymore, we are still fully or partly working from home. However, for those few employees / days at the office, you need to make sure that the building is "Corona-proof". In this article, we provide you with a few tips on how to do so!

"Clean entrance"

Hygiene already starts at the entrance of your building. To prevent people from touching the door handles to your office, you can use a doorstop or hook that keeps the door open. Provide a disinfectant (Dutch: ontsmettingsmiddel) at the entrance and kindly request people to use it before entering the building.

TIP: Stick a note on the door for your colleagues and business clients that informs them about the rules and regulations concerning hygiene in the office. Kindly request them to disinfect their hands, to follow the marking lines and to keep 1,5 m distance from others. You can also kindly inform them in advance that you're not able to shake hands - it is already awkward enough.

Sanitizers for hands and objects

We all know that it's important to wash our hands regularly, especially now. But what we often forget is that we also touch many objects with our hands, for example, our keyboard and mouse. Especially if your company has flexible workplaces, it is important to clean the workplace before and after your workday. Make sure that there are enough sanitizers and cleaning wipes and remind your colleagues to clean before they go.


We're not used to keeping our distance and cleaning everything we touch. So we could all use some help! Make sure that you have enough 'reminders' in the office, that help people adhere to the rules. You can use notes or make professional signs that you stick to the wall with some super glue (Dutch: secondelijm). For example, inform people about the disinfectant possibilities in the office and tell them how many people are allowed to sit in a specific area/at a table.

Clean, clean and clean

And last but not least: clean, clean and clean! So not only the floors, toilet and kitchen, but pay additional attention to door and window handles, computers and TVs, chairs, tables - everything we touch by hand. Hygiene is your new best friend!

Your office Corona-proof? With these tips it's a piece of cake.