One of the things that this pandemic lockdown has brought us is having the time and energy to flex our green thumb abilities. According to flower experts from, this fall is the perfect time to plant those flower bulbs to ensure a colorful garden in time for spring.
Here are some tips from on how to grow flower bulbs for a colorful spring garden:
Plant flower bulbs in fall. The end of the gardening season and the start of fall might be an odd time to plant flower bulbs. But if you are aspiring for that colorful spring garden, now is the time to plant those bulbs. Roots of flower bulbs take time to grow, and planting it this fall gives the plant ample time to strengthen its roots. The longer the roots take root, the stronger they become.
- Make planting moments memorable
Flowers may bring joy, but the whole process of planting, nurturing, and waiting for the flowers to bloom are gratifying moments as well. Have fun planting and cultivating your flower bulbs: involve your significant other, kids and loved ones, or just yourself in this gardening experience.
- Know your flowers
Flower bulbs are usually the first to bloom in spring. The early bloomers are usually snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils. Other than the usual tulip, other flowers that can add zest to your spring garden are daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, grape hyacinths, and irises. It would also be nice to know and plant other "less familiar" flower bulbs such as ornamental onions, glory-of-the-snow, spring starflowers, checkered fritillary, and striped squill could also add variety to your colorful spring garden.
- Use markers to help you identify the right spots
Using markers to identify the spot where you planted and what you planted is a smart way to remind you what you planted, where you need to water and put fertilizer and other inputs on
- Depth of planting matters
When planted on the soil, the depth of the flower bulb is three times the size of the bulb. This will allow the flower bulb to grow just with the right amount of soil on it.
- Flower bulbs need and can stand the cold temperature
Flower bulbs are suitable for cold temperatures. It can even protect itself from frost. Flower bulbs store large quantities of starch, and this starch is converted to sugars that protect them from cold weather.
- Plant in cool grounds
In places where temperatures are cold, flower bulbs can be planted as soon as the grounds are cold. The evening's ideal temperature should range from 40 -50 degrees F, and planting should be done six to eight weeks before the ground freezes.
- Drainage is essential to keep flower bulbs from rotting
Flower bulbs like loamy or slightly sandy soil as it gives them the drainage and nutrients they need. Avoid planting them in places where water accumulates as it will rot the roots.
- Plan before you plant
Many plants will naturalize and multiply in area, growing back every year. So it is crucial to plan carefully what you want to plant and where you want them placed. Planning also helps you consider the flower bulb's bloom time and companion plants and visual impact, among other things, for a colorful spring garden.
For more exciting information on growing flower bulbs, visit
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