New Advancements in Tummy Tuck Surgery
New Advancements in Tummy Tuck Surgery

Also known as abdominoplasties, tummy tucks have been around for a while. Patients have shared stories of their friends who have done tummy tucks and that they have long visible scars, prolonged recovery, an unattractive belly button, and shapeless abdomen.

Most people know tummy tucks involve removing the fat together with the skin of the abdomen, muscle tightening, and creating a belly button by cutting a new hole. Also, patients are thought to stay overnight in surgery or hospital and walk with drains hunched over them before they can go home. This was the case in the 2000s-and sadly, some clinics still do this.

However, there are new advancements in tummy tuck surgery, where clinics have now adopted the latest techniques for surgery combined with advanced anesthetic care. This has led to patients being happier with less pain, quicker recovery and less conspicuous scars.

Here are the latest advancements in tummy tuck surgery:

No more drains

Patients who have undergone a tummy tuck surgery share one thing in common, they hate drains. Most patients complain about drains because they are painful and hard work to carry around. Also, no one likes looking at a bulb filled with orange or red fluid.

Thanks to new advancement in tummy tuck surgery, procedures are now performed in a way that helps the body to prevent the fluid from building up and instead, reabsorbs it. This avoids the use of an external drain.

Ten years ago, most patients who had done tummy tucks had drains. But now with the current technology, patients are more comfortable for not having to worry about drains after surgery and even recover faster.

No more pain

Most patients do not like taking pain medications because sometimes, the patient may feel nauseated or groggy and the medication may not kick in immediately.

Introduction of the pain catheter is a way of relieving pain at specific parts of the body, in this case, the abdomen. A pain catheter is an advanced technology that administers medication to the area of pain. It is placed inside the abdomen and connected to a bulb reservoir outside the body. The patient then carries this catheter after the procedure for around five days and after all the medication has been administered, it is removed and disposed of.

Patients have reported less pain after the operation once the medication is administered for five days into the abdomen. Patients also experience less discomfort, quicker recovery and require less or no of pain medication.

Innie or outie?

The belly button is the centerpiece of the abdomen and often forgotten during the surgery. Sometimes, the belly button is created without any anesthetic contour. However, the belly button should have a concave contour which is pleasing with a shadow for highlighting the contour.

With the new advancement, clinics can design a belly button shape by opening the skin. It is also possible to highlight the shadows and shapes of anesthetic belly button by contouring the umbilicus region.

Sleeping beauty

Mothers give back to themselves by undergoing tummy tuck surgery. Instead of using the 'traditional anesthesia', clinics have now opted to use 'sleeping beauty' anesthesia. This is done by carefully placing an epidural catheter precisely to the area where pain needs to be relieved.

During the surgery, the anesthesiologist provides the patient with a short IV medication that makes them have a light nap. Patients can breathe on their own but they can also use breathing tubes.

Once the procedure is done, the pain catheter in the abdomen is activated before removing the epidural so that the pain medication does not have any gap. Patients have reported feeling awake, alert and ready to recover after the surgery.

Administering pain medication to specific areas of pain allows patients to recover quickly and have fewer side effects. They also feel comfortable during the procedure.

Patients who want to do tummy tuck surgeries are now comfortable and have the confidence knowing that the latest innovative techniques and technology in the industry will make them feel comfortable during and after abdominoplasty. Before considering tummy tuck surgery, always visit your doctor first for advice relating to the operation.