Got a nasty hangover? Forget pills, coffee or even that cold shower; instead try drinking a can of sprite.

Researchers from China say that the non-caffeinated, carbonated soft drink is better than most other remedies for that nauseating feeling.

Hangovers are the bad side-effects of having too much alcohol. Despite their long history, nobody is sure why they occur.

In the body, Ethanol breaks down into acetaldehyde in the presence of an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), another enzyme, then converts acetaldehyde into acetate.

Scientists believe that it is acetaldehyde, and not ethanol itself, which might cause some of alcohol's adverse effects. Therefore, breaking down acetaldehyde quickly may be a good way to reduce some of the ill-effects of alcohol on the body. Chemistry World reported.

In the present study, researchers led by Hua-Bin Li tried to find that elusive concoction that might lower acetaldehyde levels in the body. The team tested the efficacy of 57 remedies, including various herbal teas and carbonated beverages.

Their research showed that Xue bi and Hui yi su da shui- Sprite and soda water respectively- increased activity of ALDH, which led to lower levels of acetaldehyde.

The study shows that Sprite can treat hangover, at least in theory. However, other experts aren't convinced and say that additional studies are required to find out whether carbonated drinks can reduce hangover symptoms or not.

"These results are a reminder that herbal and other supplements can have pharmacological activities that can both harm and benefit our health," Edzard Ernst, a leading expert in medicinal science from the University of Exeter told the Chemistry World.

The study is published in the journal Food and Function.

According to Medline Plus, people can avoid a hangover by drinking in moderation, keeping the body hydrated by drinking water between drinks. Consuming little amounts of alcohol after meals and drinking slowly can also help avoid hangovers.