Environmentally-Friendly Solutions to Reduce Global Waste

There are approximately more than two billion tons of solid waste that are being generated in the entire world each year. Moreover, more than thirty percent of these are not managed in a way that can be considered environmentally safe. Statistics also reveal that every person in the world contributes to an average of 0.74 kilograms of waste per day. Note that "every person" is a contributor to global waste, according to the statistics. So, why not start making a difference and be an advocate of waste reduction instead of waste contribution?

To get you started, check out the environmentally-friendly solutions that will enable you to reduce the amount of waste you produce each day.

Use Eco-friendly Sandwich Bags

Preparing sandwiches in the morning may be part of your daily routine so you have something ready to eat for lunch at work. Or, you are doing it because you have children going to school every day. You may be happy at the thought that you or your own kids are eating nutritious sandwiches every day. But, did you ever think about the disposable plastic bags or foil that you use to wrap your sandwiches? In case you are not aware, these single-use sandwich wraps or bags are huge contributors to global waste. For them to be broken down in garbage landfills, you have to wait for at least twenty years or even up to a millennium for them to biodegrade! This is when the use of reusable sandwich bags becomes a better alternative. They are not only eco-friendly, but they also help you save money because you do not have to buy new bags each time.

Bring your Own Reusable Bags when Shopping for Groceries

Whenever you shop for groceries, make sure that you bring your own tote bags so you do not have to rely on those plastic bags or any other single-use bags that the store will use to pack your groceries. It is even better if you opt for tote bags made from recycled materials. You can use these over and over again so they don't wind up in your trash bin and this translates to reduced global waste. Most of these tote bags are made from 100 percent cotton, which is a plant-based material. Since it's made from a natural resource, it does not require tons of petroleum during the production and manufacturing process. To ensure that you do not forget, see to it that you have tote bags in your car, near your door, or in other areas where it is easier for you to see and grab as you go. The good thing about it is that these tote bags may only cost you $2. Besides, some stores also give you additional credit for bringing your own reusable bags.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/nature-garbage-pollution-ecology-4202702/

Ditch those Single-use Water Bottles

It is high time that you also stop buying water in single-use plastic bottles. If you truly want to make a difference in this world, you have to start ditching the idea of buying water from plastic bottles. Long ago, the invention of these plastic bottles was deemed amazing, but in this present generation all these plastic bottles have become a scourge of land and ocean. These plastic bottles have already been ubiquitous in the whole world, and don't let them be in your own home. Instead, buy a durable, reusable water bottle that ensures you are always well hydrated wherever you may go. The fun part is that you can buy reusable bottles with different designs and features. You can buy one that is insulated, with colorful prints or you can opt for water bottles that have plain, sleek-looking designs, whichever suits you!

Forget about Disposable Plates

Before these plastic disposable plates were invented, our ancestors had a plethora of natural resources that they use for producing the plates. There were plates and bowls made from coconut husk, plant leaves, clay, and other biodegradable materials. Our ancestors had no choice but to wash their plates after using them, period. Although it may be difficult for us these days to continue with such habits, we can at least use better alternatives to disposable plates. Obviously, ceramic plates have always been a better alternative to disposable plates. Not to mention the fact that your guests will be more impressed if they see those real ceramic plates. Although more energy and resources are being used in order to produce ceramic plates, since you will be using these for a lifetime, you will still be balancing out its initial environmental costs. You may also opt for recycled paper plates that also helps you reduce environmental footprints. Washable plastic wares are also another eco-friendly option because you don't have to throw them right away after using them. You can use these many times, thus reducing your waste.

Buy Pre-owned Clothes

Americans literally throw away more than ten million tons of clothes each year. This is not good news for so many reasons. The habit of frequently buying new clothes has led to the accumulation of an enormous amount of global waste. Just think about those genetically modified cotton that is produced each month. This is the kind of cotton that heavily relies on pesticides for production. These pesticides only pollute those nearby water supplies while also acidifying the soil. The same kind of pollution occurs for dyes that are being used in the textile making process. If you love to shop for a new pair of jeans, then you should know that one pair of it would generate greenhouse gases that are also equivalent to driving more than eighty miles. But, if you buy pre-owned clothes, you are less likely to contribute to environmental pollution or wasting natural resources.

Switching to eco-friendly solutions may entail significant costs, but rest assured that you are definitely doing not just yourself but the entire world a huge favor. It is not necessary that you implement all the aforementioned tips. But, do take one step at a time until you become used to implement eco-friendly daily practices.