Breakthroughs In Pet Medicine
Breakthroughs In Pet Medicine

Veterinary medicines have improved alongside human medicines. Just as we all suffer from several health conditions throughout the years, the lives of innocent pets are also at stake when they acquire bodily injuries or certain diseases. Thanks to a massive advancement in medicine and technology, researchers are working relentlessly to improve the quality of life of the little munchkins. Here, in this feature, we will talk about a few breakthroughs in the pet medicine industry:

1. Detection of Fracture

The intriguing thing to note about this discovery is, a technology similar to detecting earthquakes can easily detect the cracks in the skeletal system of animals. So, if your dog is suffering from an acute form of body ache, you must take the little one to a veterinary doctor for examination. This machine takes seconds to detect if your pet has any bone fractures.

2. DNA Testing

Although doctors have been using the genes of animals for months, yet this new technology is also a breakthrough in the pet medicine industry. DNA testing is the latest program that can be used, especially for dogs. Pets who suffer from kennel cough are currently under DNA testing because veterinary doctors are trying to eradicate this disease in pets.

3. Nutraceuticals

You must know, nutraceuticals are food supplements and not medications for animals. They are specially developed for animals who are suffering from arthritis. This disease affects millions of pets every year and can take a big toll on their health. Thanks to food supplements that can easily be fed to the little furry friends who are suffering from such issues. Visit veterinary naturals to know more about them.

4. Laser Therapy

If you think laser therapy is only confined to humans, you're wrong. The Lewisburg Hospital was the first one to introduce laser treatment for animals. This treatment is helpful because it can help in healing ear infections, arthritis, wounds, and a lot more. Laser therapy is expensive but can cure an animal within a short time.

5. Melanoma Vaccine

This is one spot that draws a strong connection with human medicine. Veterinary doctors use the self-created DNA and inject it into the dog's immune system for better results. Melanoma vaccine created a rage across the world when it was first introduced. The best part about this treatment is, the animal isn't even aware that the medicine has been injected. It is not painful at all and has the power to treat several health conditions.

6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Although MRI has always been there, it is important to mention it here. Just a decade back, a Persian cat was the first animal to undergo an MRI. So no wonder this medical technique has proved itself beneficial for animals.

7. Rattlesnakes Vaccines

Keep in mind, these vaccines are pivotal in areas where there is a higher chance of your pet getting infected with a snake bite. For instance, if you live in a rocky region, you must get your dog vaccinated once in a while. So once your pet is vaccinated, their body will become stronger against the snake bite. Consult a veterinary doctor for the right dosage.

8. Animal Prosthetics

There was a time when veterinary doctors were skeptical if the prosthetics would work for animals. However, today, most veterinary doctors are using this procedure because it helps animals in keeping up with the normal pace of their lives. So if your dog or cat is given a prosthetic limb, he/she will be able to enjoy moving around just as they did before.