Some people suffer from strained backs, knotty shoulders and more. They often get relief by receiving treatment from a massage therapist. When doing their work, bad things could happen to a massage therapist. This could occur to a practice, patient or even the massage therapist. They must protect themselves and their business. This is the reason a massage therapist needs to have proper insurance coverage.
Massage Therapy Insurance
This is insurance coverage designed to protect a massage therapist in the event of an accident or injury occurring. The right insurance policy will help a massage therapy business remain solvent when facing challenging situations. Some states require massage therapists to have liability insurance. If it is not required, it should always be a serious consideration. Not having insurance coverage makes a massage therapist and their business vulnerable in many ways.
Importance Of Liability Insurance
Many bad things could happen to a massage therapist who does not have proper liability insurance coverage.
Loss of Reputation - The success of a massage therapy business often depends on word of mouth. An honest mistake could become public resulting in a lawsuit and irreversible harm to the reputation of a massage therapy business.
Financial Loss - Should a massage therapist not have proper insurance coverage, they could experience a personal injury or malpractice lawsuit that could bankrupt them as well as their business.
Asset Loss - A lawsuit can be filed against a massage therapist that not only tries to get money from the business. It may try to get non-business related assets such as personal vehicles, boats, homes and more.
Patients - Liability insurance will also protect a massage therapist's patients. Should they accidentally get injured or experience an allergic reaction to a certain type of oil during a massage insurance will help. It is a way to protect all parties involved.
A massage therapist with sufficient coverage will have three different types of insurance. They are business property liability, general liability and professional liability.
Business Property Liability - This will protect a massage therapist's assets and furnishings. If an electrical device catches on fire, it could burn down an office and all of the possessions inside could be lost. This type of policy could replace them.
General Liability - Should a customer come in and accidentally trip and fall in the office, they can sue a massage therapist for personal injury. This will cover any type of accident that happens before or after a massage therapist provides treatment.
Professional Liability - This is considered a basic type of personal protection from lawsuits. Should a customer experience some type of injury caused by a massage, they could sue a massage therapist for malpractice.
Working From Home
If a massage therapist works from home, they should consider getting insurance coverage in addition to general liability. This would be an in-home business policy. It will cover people who visit a home for business purposes, the business workspace within the home as well as products, tools, equipment, and cash associated with the business.
The cost of massage therapy insurance is often very affordable. In some cases, it could be as little as a few hundred dollars a year. This would involve professional liability, general and property insurance coverage. Much of the cost will be determined by the limits of the policy as well as the value of the property being covered and more.
Before a massage therapist considers any type of policy, it is important to compare massage liability insurance policies. An insurance agent who knows a massage therapist's situation will be able to provide quotes from different insurance companies. This is the best way to get an insurance policy that provides sufficient coverage at an affordable price.
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